username: password:       register (it's free!)    

Error processing the image. Try again, or try a different file.
Re-enter new information below.
freePatternWizard Version 3.7.16 updated on 9-19-24. 5,863,614 patterns created to date!  
Premier Features
  • 300 Stitches Across
  • 500 Stitches Across
  • Filet Crochet
  • Customize Patterns
  • Illusion Knitting
Please also like our freePatternWizard Facebook page! Yes, you can click on both Like buttons!
Image to Convert Into a Pattern
Select the image on your computer that you want converted into a pattern. Non-members can upload .gif or .jpg images. Stitchboard Members (free!) can upload .gif, .jpg, .png, .bmp, .tif, .psd, .svg, .pcx, or .wbmp images.
Also, non-members have a 1Mb file size limit.  Members have a 5Mb image file size limit.
Image File Name:  
Stitching Category
Beading     Crochet     Cross Stitch     Knitting
Select Your Stitch Type
This area will fill in when you select a stitch category in section 2.
Select Your Desired Stitch Shape
This area will fill in when you select a stitch category in section 2.
Select Color Palette
You have a choice of colors. You can opt to have the Stitchboard system choose from a pre-defined palette of colors, or you can manually choose from a palette. If you have our system choose the best color match, you'll need to also select the number of colors you wish. Note that if you don't allow enough colors, the results may not be optimal.
a) Color Palette Desired:
A palette will show once you select a stitch category in section 2.

b) Automatic closest color match     I will choose my colors (select to see the colors) You must select a stitch category in section 2 to enable this option.
c) Colors desired in the final pattern:
    Entire Palette
    Limit The Number of Colors
    Shades of Gray (0=max)
    Black and White
Enter the Desired Number of Stitches Across
If you are not a Stitchboard member (free!), you are limited to 100 stitches across.  
I wish to enter my desired count - Number of stitches desired:   stitches.
Use the actual number of pixels across in my image as the number of stitches across. If my image is greater than 100 pixels wide, reduce it to show 100 stitches across.
Create my pattern using the maximum number of stitches allowed (100 across).
Select Output Format and Options

Pdf Paper Size:

Pattern or Word Chart:

Word Chart Symbol:

Show .pdf pattern on screen     Download pattern       Email pattern to myself
I am left-handed
Normally the stitches will be bumped up against one another on the screen. For ease of reading, you you may prefer that they show slightly separated (our EasyReadsm Format). This option is only available with certain stitch types. Note that the pattern will appear stretched in the EasyRead format but will stitch normally.
Which format would you like?  Bumped up against one another   Easy-Readsm
Add Your Own Copyright Notice if Desired:  
*pdf output (including symbols) is only available when you join (free membership)
Image Enhancements
Image enhancement features are only available for Stitchboard members. Membership is free!

Color Choosing Method: Gradual Tones   Artwork
Color Sensitivity:  
More Colors
Fewer Colors
Note: This setting is NOT the number of colors that will be selected. "20" is a good starting point.

Special Effects (Stitchboard members Only. Membership is free!):
  Stray pixel cleanup:   light   medium   heavy
  Rotate Image:   90°   180°   270°
  Flip Image Horizontally
  Flip Image Vertically
  Antialias On
  Edge Detection
  Gaussian Blur
  Invert All Colors (negative)
No Swirl
More Swirl
Max Swirl
Let's See It!
Copyright © 2010-2024 • All rights Reserved • v3.7.16 updated on 9-19-24
ask us

Ask Us

Have a question?   Problem?   Let us know.

Although we'd prefer you to ask your question(s) publicly through our patternWizard Community area so it can benefit others, feel free to ask in the box below if you prefer.
Note: You must be logged in to send suggestions.



Ok. So here's your chance to give us some suggestions of how we can improve the freePatternWizard!

The program is constantly being updated and we still have a zillion (well, closer to a hundred) features to add. If you'd love to see some new things added, please let us know by filling in your suggestions in the box below and clicking on the 'Send Suggestion' button. We offer this program for your entertainment and plan on always keeping it free! And thanks for your suggestions.

Note: You must be logged in to send suggestions.


My Default Settings for the freePatternWizard

Tired of constantly choosing the same settings over and over when creating patterns? Want to choose a particular stitch category as a default? (Or other settings?) This tool lets you do just that. You can select one or more settings and the patternWizard will remember your preferences. All items are optional. To save your settings, click on the "Save My Settings" button. These settings will automatically be loaded each time you run the patternWizard. You can also override these settings anytime by simply clicking on a different option when you run the patternWizard.

Note: You must be logged in to set these.
Stitch Category (Section 2)



Cross Stitch


Stitch Type (Section 3)
This will fill in when a stitch is selected.

Stitch Shape (Section 4)
This will fill in when a stitch is selected.
Output (Section 7)
Pdf Paper Size:
Pattern or Word Chart:
Word Chart Symbol:
Show border around pdf beading chart

Enhancements (Section 8)
Color Sensitivity

(1-500) (Default:20)
Higher=Fewer colors

(-100 to 100) (Default:0)

(-100 to 100) (Default:0)
Higher=Highest Contrast

(-15 to 15) (Default:0)
Higher=Less Sharp

General Settings
Language in which to use the freePatternWizard

  (more languages coming)
I am left-handed

This tool allows you to fine-tune certain behaviors of the freePatternWizard program. As time goes on we'll allow you to make some changes on how the program handles certain things like screen layout, ability to hide things, set some output options, etc. (More about this later.)

Note: You must be logged in to set these.
Crochet Preferences
When button "A" (below) is checked, your word chart will display the turning chain stitch. When button "B" is checked, it will no longer display the turning chain stitch, so each row will be one stitch short.

A. Show Turning Chain

B. Do Not Show
Turning Chain Stitch

Pdf Cover Page Image Appearance
You can change the way the image appears on the pdf cover page.
"Appear Stitched": The image will show beads, squares, rectangles, and ovals as necessary to give a very rough idea of what the stitched item might look like.
"Appear Without Stitches": It will appear without any outlines of beads, squares, rectangles, or ovals. It'll simply show your image using the colors from your selected palette.
"Show Original Image": It'll simply show your original image with original coloring. It will not be made up of individual little "stitched" blocks.

Appear Stitched

Appear Without Stitches

Show Original Image

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