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community home > Free Pattern Wizard > Questions and Answers > Peyote Stitch Beading Pattern using a Baby picture
Peyote Stitch Beading Pattern using a Baby picture
12776 views   12 replies   Latest reply: August 1, 2021 at 2:16:34 AM

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Kimber message #1
Peyote Stitch Beading Pattern using a Baby picture
November 24, 2014 at 9:45:49 PM
Hi Everyone;

First let me say that I LOVE this site!
Now for my question/problem:
I'm extremely dyslexic. Reading across a pattern (in my case 150 x 300) is very nearly impossible. I generally buy patterns that provide a word chart and, now that I've bought BeadTool4 (thinking it would be as good as stitchboard...NOT) I was looking forward to uploading photos, and doing the beading working from a wordchart. Well, the software I bought doesn't do nearly the excellent job of reproducing the colors in the original photo (it DOES provide a wordchart but thats not helping since the pattern itself is horrible!).

My question is this: Is there any way at all that Stitchboard can provide a word chart for my patterns? I don't have a lot of money at present, my business is in it's infancy but if donating will do the trick then I'll donate! Just tell me how much.

I'm so hoping you can provide word charts for people like me that are so dyslexic that reading patterns without a word chart is impossible....trying to do them is so frustrating I could pull my hair out!

I look forward to hearing from you and I'm waiting with hope that you can produce the word chart that will allow me to do my sister's baby in peyote stitch.

Thank you so much for listening.
Kimber Cole

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Stitchboard Admin message #2
Re: Peyote Stitch Beading Pattern using a Baby picture
November 25, 2014 at 2:03:47 AM  (in response to Kimber message #1)

Welcome!  So glad you like our site!  Smile

We do have plans for word charts for beading, but unfortunately, we're not sure exactly when that will happen.  We do have a list of about 100 enhancements, but time is currently an issue, I'm sorry to say.  Things should calm down within the next month, so what I'll do is suggest the word patterns be jumped to a higher priority on the list.  Smile  I'm not sure if that's entirely helpful, as I realize time is likely of the essence for you, but that's about the best I can do at the moment.

We're very happy to hear that our software is working so well for you...thank you so much for letting us know!  Kiss

BTW, feel free to post photos of your finished work (whether or not it was made with the freePatternWizard)...or even any of your work in progress, as we love to drool!  Kiss

Melanie  (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict.  If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.

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Jun 5, 2014
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Kimber message #3
Re: Peyote Stitch Beading Pattern using a Baby picture
December 12, 2014 at 1:45:37 PM  (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #2)
thank you and I'll be waiting patiently for the word charts!

Look at that smile! (Photo guaranteed unretouched)
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Stitchboard Admin message #4
Re: Peyote Stitch Beading Pattern using a Baby picture
December 13, 2014 at 1:47:33 AM  (in response to Kimber message #3)

You're very welcome!  Smile

Melanie  (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict.  If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.

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Kimber message #5
Re: Peyote Stitch Beading Pattern using a Baby picture
April 22, 2015 at 5:33:12 AM  (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #4)

It's me again. I wrote to you back in December about word charts for peyote patterns. Has there been any progress with the word charts?

No I have a client who wants be to do her baby picture as well as my sister. She's trying to translate the pattern into words but it's very very slow going..

Is there any hope that word charts will be available soon? I've put off both projects in the hope that you'll get the word charts for peyote patterns up and runnung. I know you've got word charts for crochet (hhurray ) so I'm hoping peyote gets some priority attention. I have a line of people with pictures of all kinds that they want me to bead but without a word chart I can't do it.

Thank you and hope to hear from you with good news!!


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Stitchboard Admin message #6
Re: Peyote Stitch Beading Pattern using a Baby picture
April 23, 2015 at 1:01:50 AM  (in response to Kimber message #5)

I'm sorry to say we still don't have the peyote word charts available at this time.  We still do have them in our plans.  I wish I had an estimated date I could give you; however, at this time, the date this particular feature will be available is unknown.

All I can suggest is that you check back with us.  I'm sorry the word charts haven't become available yet; I've consulted with Terry, our programmer, and he's promised to see how difficult it would be to implement the word charts more quickly.

Unfortunately, Terry has been working on non-related paying projects in the absence of income from the freePatternWizard.  Our Indiegogo campaign of several months ago was meant to produce income to foster speedier development of more features for the freePatternWizard, to negate the need for these non-related paying projects that are currently delaying additional development.

Melanie  (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict.  If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.

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Jun 5, 2014
Posts: 8
Kimber message #7
Re: Peyote Stitch Beading Pattern using a Baby picture
November 21, 2015 at 12:20:53 PM  (in response to Kimber message #1)

I'm just checking in to see if word charts for peyote seed beading are any nearer to being available. I was just diagnosed with lung cancer and I'd really love to do that project that I used stitch board to'd give me something to do during my long chemo sessions too.

Kimber Cole

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Posts: 4623
Stitchboard Admin message #8
Re: Peyote Stitch Beading Pattern using a Baby picture
November 22, 2015 at 12:28:48 AM  (in response to Kimber message #7)

I'm so sorry to hear about your diagnosis.  I'll suggest we get going on that feature as soon as possible.  Smile

Melanie  (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict.  If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.

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Missdesigns message #9
Re: Peyote Stitch Beading Pattern using a Baby picture
March 16, 2018 at 11:18:30 PM  (in response to Kimber message #1)
I'm assuming that you aren't any closer to having word graphs yet? I know I can't find a way at least. Just curious why it's been being worked on for almost 4 years now with no change even though it shows available for others, like with the illusion knitting graphs. The inability to have the word graphs is the one big downside. Like with mine, doing tapestry patterns with 50 to 100 colors is extremely difficult with just a bunch of symbols. At least without giving myself a migraine. With the illusion knitting it's an upcharge feature but it would be something well worth the little extra money. Please please please do something and please don't take another 4 years.

Look at that smile! (Photo guaranteed unretouched)
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Posts: 4623
Stitchboard Admin message #10
Peyote Stitch Beading Pattern using a Baby picture
March 18, 2018 at 1:18:50 AM  (in response to Missdesigns message #9)
Welcome! Smile

We're still looking into it...we've been dealing with other issues that have cropped up and there's another issue that's taking our attention right now. Word charts for beading are definitely near the top of our list!

The reason illusion knitting has word charts is because this is purely mathematical. Peyote, as you know, isn't. So it will require some extra attention.

Please bear with us, and sorry for the inconvenience.

Melanie  (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict.  If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.

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Stitchboard Support message #11
Re: Peyote Stitch Beading Pattern using a Baby picture
March 18, 2018 at 1:22:45 AM  (in response to Missdesigns message #9)
Hi, and thanks for your post.

I expect to get caught up with program and site updates and corrections over the next month or so.  This has been holding up many new features.

Things are changing on our end for the better and I expect to have a lot more time to devote to the program, so I think this will be coming sooner than later.  We just discussed it here today and it sounds like it won't be a major project.

I'll try to move the beading word charts into a higher priority.  I would hope this means it could happen in the next couple months if all goes well.


“If you can dream it, you can do it.
Tom Fitzgerald

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Loonbeader message #12
Re: Peyote Stitch Beading Pattern using a Baby picture
July 31, 2021 at 8:21:27 PM  (in response to Stitchboard Support message #11)
Wondering if there has been any progress in making Word Charts for peyote patterns?

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Posts: 1100
Stitchboard Support message #13
Re: Peyote Stitch Beading Pattern using a Baby picture
August 1, 2021 at 2:16:34 AM  (in response to Loonbeader message #12)
Hi, Loonbeader.

Well I way underestimated the time it would take to re-do the beading function.

There's a new graphics engine that will handle a whole new upcoming version but beading is taking way longer than I planned.  Herringbone, loom, and square stitches will work with the new software but I'm still working on brick, peyote, and raw.

Sorry about the delay but please know that I haven't forgotten about it.

I'm also winding up a related project for a large corporate client and once done will hopefully have more time to enhance the software.

Thanks for your understanding!  Smile


“If you can dream it, you can do it.
Tom Fitzgerald

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