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New! Caron One Pound, Caron Simply Soft and Herrschners 2-Ply Afghan palettes - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

New!  The Herrschner's Worsted Palette - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

New!  We've just added the palette for Deborah Norville Everyday Yarn!  If you knit and/or crochet, this is for you.  This is a beautiful yarn with a nice feel to it, a good alternative in worsted weight acrylic!  (Thank you again to BetwixtTheStitch!)

New!  The Red Heart Super Saver Palette - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

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Although I am a member ("You are currently subscribed to 500 Stitches Across" ), I cannot download
the patterns I created as PDFs. I also cannot make edits on the pattern. Can you please help?

You're correct...the photo albums get confused with larger sized photos, I'm sorry to say.  (I think the limit is .5M.)  So if you can resize them in a graphics program to bring them to under .5M, that will work.  Smile  So glad you'll be posting, thanks!  Smile

I did get the photo and have sent you our findings.  Please let me know if we've misunderstood, and then we'll keep looking at it to see if we can get the same results you're getting.  Smile


So glad to hear you didn't go there for a visit.  Your trip to the zoo sounds a lot healthier and was a smart choice.  Kiss

You have no obligation to accept that kind of behavior.  Showing up would have given your unspoken support for her.

You're right that whatever it is that's causing her to do what she's doing, even hormones, is no excuse.  At 5 years old, she would not have a choice.  At close to 50, she sure does, and her choice is to make everyone miserable until the next time she decides to take off.  Approving her behavior, as your stepfather is doing, is telling her she's doing the right thing, so when she does take off again (and you know she will), she'll be sure to cause maximum hurt...but in her mind she has "permission" to do it.

Go ahead and categorize her...she's being immature and irresponsible.  At least you see through her and are protecting yourself and your family...that's the best thing to do!

Your stepfather's acceptance is awful...and worse, trying to get you to accept her, too.  Frown  But at least he's an adult, so if he makes a mistake, then he should live with the consequences, not eventually push the same ones on you.  Good thing you found out in advance, huh?  Can you imagine being surprised with something so terrible, and in front of the boys, as well?  That was so sneaky and underhanded, with your stepfather being as immature and irresponsible as your mother.  Yell

What she did isn't understandable in the slightest.  She walked away before, and it doesn't sound like she's doing anything radically different to prove she won't walk away again...your stepfather will be in a world of hurt if he doesn't wake up to her manipulation.  But you at least are doing the emotionally healthy thing and staying out of everything, protecting yourself and your family.  Kiss

Sadly, some people love to head for self-destruction...and to take others down that path with them.  Frown  Best thing to do is not indulge them, IMO.  And family is the worst for that, because they know your vulnerabilities and know how to play on your emotions.

Kudos to you for doing the right thing, because it's not easy!  Kiss


They cannot push me into another direction than the one I am allready in..

I have talked to the school, they sent me an email saying that they would advise me to take the rest of the subjekts, so that I would have a full "high school" exam.. So that is what I am going to do.. I need an average at 5,3 and my average right now is double of that.. If I go through the rest of the subjects, I am guaranteed to get in next year..

Yes we get paid to study :p
The only thing we need to pay for our selves is the books, and even that we only have to pay when we attend the universities..
And of course if our kids attend a private school... Wink It is kind of handy.. 


Welcome!  Hope you like the freePatternWizard.  Please let us know if you have any questions.

In the meantime, feel free to post pics of your work...we love to drool!  Smile
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