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community home > Free Pattern Wizard > Updates > Hardware and Software upgrades complete
Hardware and Software upgrades complete
8194 views   9 replies   Latest reply: February 29, 2016 at 10:59:22 AM

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Stitchboard Support message #1
Hardware and Software upgrades complete
February 24, 2016 at 5:01:54 PM
Update 2-29-16:

The hardware and operating software upgrades are now complete.  These upgrades were necessary to allow us to expand as traffic increases.  It also allows us to increase the security of data handling.

I'll be completing an upgrade of the email software in the next few days that will bring delivery up to around 98-99%.

Finally I can then get back to adding features to the freePatternWizard and several other areas of the website -- such as the Community, Circles, Stash, and Multimedia.

To keep everyone informed, we'll be upgrading our hardware and software infrastructure over the next 2-3 days beginning Thursday, 2-25-16. We hope there will be minimal interruptions.

Today (2-24) we're building up the new hardware and installing upgraded versions of all the system software.  This will result in faster processing and allow future expansion as needed.  At this point I plan to get the websites transferred over Thursday, 2-25.  I expect testing to be finished on Friday 2-26 and hopefully do the official data transfer and bring the new hardware live on Friday (2-26) or Saturday (2-27). 

As we bring everything live, I will need to turn off all the websites for a brief period of time (best case scenario is about 5 minutes but hopefully less than an hour).  This will prevent duplicate member numbers and other potential problems.  During the down time, you will see a page explaining what we're doing.


“It's kind of fun to do the impossible.
Walt Disney

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StitchMeKnot message #2
Re: Hardware and Software upgrades in progress...
February 25, 2016 at 10:04:19 AM  (in response to Stitchboard Support message #1)
Looking forward to the updates, Terry!

Thanks for the headsup and here's hoping everything goes smoothly!!

StitchMeKnot Creations -

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Stitchboard Support message #3
Re: Hardware and Software upgrades in progress...
February 25, 2016 at 8:19:53 PM  (in response to StitchMeKnot message #2)

Thanks!  This is primarily a major infrastructure upgrade so initially I'm really, really hoping the first day you won't see any differences. Smile  Like I say, this opens it up for all the updates we plan to do. 

I just finished transferring 52 websites from our current to the new hardware and next need to update all kinds of configuration settings.  We're hoping to test the new configuration tomorrow and get it close to bringing it live tomorrow or Saturday.  I'll probably still need to bring down the current websites just before making it all live so I can transfer the most recent databases and files so we don't lose anybody.  I'm pretty sure that this might take as long as 15-20 minutes, during which time you'll see a simple page telling you to come back soon.

But again, I'm crossing my fingers that everything will look the same when we first bring it live. 


“If you can dream it, you can do it.
Tom Fitzgerald

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StitchMeKnot message #4
Re: Hardware and Software upgrades in progress...
February 26, 2016 at 11:00:19 AM  (in response to Stitchboard Support message #3)

Having had a computer repair business at one time, I totally understand the time and complications involved in such an upgrade! 

I pray all goes smoothly for you! 

I think it's awesome you take the time to keep the users updated; I have been in environments that this was not the case and it caused a lot of problems.

Thanks for *everything* you do behind the scenes.  I know that many people do not have any idea just how much time and work is involved in keeping sites like this, as well as programming PatternWizard, entails. 

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Stitchboard Admin message #5
Re: Hardware and Software upgrades in progress...
February 27, 2016 at 2:36:43 AM  (in response to StitchMeKnot message #4)

Thank you for your kind words and understanding.  Kiss  It's nice to know someone appreciates the amount of work that goes into maintaining and updating the entire site!

Melanie  (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
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StitchMeKnot message #6
Hardware and Software upgrades in progress...
February 27, 2016 at 12:11:39 PM  (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #5)

You are *very* welcome!  Yes, indeed, I do!  I'm having issues of my own with my site, as we speak ... LOL!

StitchMeKnot Creations -

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Stitchboard Support message #7
Hardware and Software upgrades in progress...
February 28, 2016 at 12:07:09 AM  (in response to StitchMeKnot message #6)
Hope things work out on your site problems.

I still have several things to do before making everything live.  I'm spending time testing as much as possible so I have a feeling I won't do the official switch until tomorrow (Sunday 2-28).

By the way, I won't be taking down the whole site for any extended period of time.  As I switch everything to the new hardware, I'll leave the old hardware running and available since it may take up to 48 hours for everyone worldwide to be looking at the new sites.  I will need to turn off new member registrations, new Community posts, and other similar functions on the old system so there's no loss of information. 

About 50% of the users should be on the new hardware within 2-4 hours of when I turn it live.  About 80% within 12 hours.  It'll just depend on how often each user's ISP updates their database. 

At the moment I turn the new hardware live, the old sites will have a red banner at the top of each page telling the limitations and each user will know they're seeing the new hardware when the top red banner goes away.

So work continues...


“If you can dream it, you can do it.
Tom Fitzgerald

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Feb 3, 2016
Posts: 142
StitchMeKnot message #8
Re: Hardware and Software upgrades in progress...
February 28, 2016 at 2:16:26 AM  (in response to Stitchboard Support message #7)
Thanks, Terry!

I need to correct one of my tutorials here, but I think I'll wait until you're done, just in case.  I have put a note in that thread so people know there is an update coming. 

I hope the switch over goes smoothly for everyone.

StitchMeKnot Creations -

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Stitchboard Support message #9
Re: Hardware and Software upgrades in progress...
February 29, 2016 at 2:49:52 AM  (in response to StitchMeKnot message #8)
You can actually change what you want for now.  Just before I do the final move over to the new hardware I'll turn off the ability to post to the Community and Circles and also disable new member registrations.

I've finished most of the testing that I can do before the move so Monday I'll bring the new configuration live.

I'm going to do it so everyone can keep reading Community and Circles messages and those who use the freePatternWizard can keep using it during the move.

There's going to be a delay between the time I turn on the new hardware and when people can actually see it.  Just before I do the move, I'll place a red banner at the top of the pages to let you know you're still seeing the old setup and cannot post or register.

Then when your ISP updates their database, you'll immediately see the new hardware and the red banner will be gone.  Then you can post again and new member registration will again be available.

The delay between when you see the old and new hardware is strictly up to your ISP's schedule and could be between 5 minutes and 48 hours.


“If you can dream it, you can do it.
Tom Fitzgerald

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Feb 3, 2016
Posts: 142
StitchMeKnot message #10
Re: Hardware and Software upgrades in progress...
February 29, 2016 at 10:59:22 AM  (in response to Stitchboard Support message #9)

Thanks, Terry!!!

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