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New! Caron One Pound, Caron Simply Soft and Herrschners 2-Ply Afghan palettes - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

New!  The Herrschner's Worsted Palette - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

New!  We've just added the palette for Deborah Norville Everyday Yarn!  If you knit and/or crochet, this is for you.  This is a beautiful yarn with a nice feel to it, a good alternative in worsted weight acrylic!  (Thank you again to BetwixtTheStitch!)

New!  The Red Heart Super Saver Palette - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

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Yes, both Peyote and Brick did (and still) have issues.  I'm close to finishing up the testing.  I found 2 other problems but corrected them.

I'll be turning on the new version as soon as I get through all the tests.  (There are hundreds of tests to do so it's not a quick thing but I want to finish the corrections before adding anything new.



Your house is larger than ours.  Smile  Not by a lot, but if I have the numbers right from memory, we're at 1200 square feet, which is 111.48 square meters.

I wouldn't mind a bit more room, but other people think it's way big.  Some of our neighbors went into smaller houses.  One who didn't had moved with his family, so they have a lot of people to a house that's really only about 200 square feet larger than ours.  When this guy saw our house from the outside, he said, "It's only the two of you?  Wow, that's a lot of space!"  Well, it really is for two of us...but that was our choice...we don't have kids (not that he did, but his parents did!).  Though this house was the very last one left, there were reasons nobody wanted it...the huge tree, the rooms that have been changed around, old windows, damaged doors, damaged walls, etc.  Not many people wanted the endless work we have.  So it's both good and bad...though that said, our one neighbor would have bought it if we hadn't, as I mentioned.  So we had to go through with it or we'd now be living way far away, and that would have been trouble.  Frown

I'm sorry '08 affected you guys, too.  Cry  I hate that anyone got caught up in this horrible mess.  Cry  It's only the fault of certain people, but the fact that they didn't care about anyone else makes it so much worse.  Yell

I hope your government does very well and makes things better than the previous one.  Kiss  So far, I haven't been impressed with this "global economy," since it seems to make things more inequitable for most.  Cry  But you guys have been ahead of the game for some time (in all of the best ways) and I wouldn't be surprised if you do even better with this change, as long as the powers that be know what they're doing.  Kiss

I agree...knitted doors sound lovely!  Kiss  If only they weren't so impractical.

Oooh, how fantastic that your windows are made so well and from such wonderful materials!  Kiss

LOL...I know what you mean...nobody wants a falling-apart dead tree...but a live tree is always beautiful.  Kiss  I've seen pictures of the tree when it was alive and it really was gorgeous...such a shame that it has to go.  Cry

Wow, in terms of USD, you paid less than half of what we did for our house!  Our area isn't "in,"'s a pretty small town.  Some of the areas are very depressed.  Lots of rentals.  But because of the number of buyers exceeding the number of existing houses in our price range at the time we were buying, the market was falsely inflated and what we got was all we could get.  Frown

Your area is soooooooooooo pretty!  Kiss  Anyway, who cares if it's "in" - if you like it, I think that's what counts.  Kiss  Meh, I never did care about what was trendy...I figure what makes you happy is the most important thing.  Kiss

I can't wait to see your pictures of the inside of your house once it's in decent shape!  Kiss

It looks like a fun hobby, and you do so well at it!  Kiss  Maybe someday you'd want to try doing other people's nails? Kiss

If you're logged in, you'll see step #7, which are the output settings.  One of the settings is "Pattern or Word Chart."


LOL, you need to invent a dish called "I don't know."  If it's something they all hate, they'll be sure to quickly pick something so you'll never make "I don't know" again!  Wink

Ugh, so you guys get very dry air during the winter, too?  Frown  You would think with all of the precipitation we usually get during the winter it wouldn't be so dry...but that's just not the's dryer than dry.  Frown  I could understand it with the winter we've had so far, with so little snow, but it's normally pretty dry in the winter, even with the deepest, heaviest snows we've ever had.  Frown

Hope your hands won't get too chapped this winter.  Kiss

Tutorial is finished here:  

I tried to make it as easy to follow and thorough as I could.  I think the program is already pretty intuitive and your FAQ and Help pages cover most of the finer details that I didn't really get into.  Part II covers how I use MS Paint to clean up any stray blocks of color that aren't where they should be.  I honestly don't have that many blog/social media followers, but hopefully this at least helps spread the word about how awesome stitchboard and the Free Pattern Wizard are.   
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