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Artwork Conversion
3976 views   4 replies   Latest reply: July 31, 2014 at 2:12:56 PM

Member since:
Jul 19, 2014
Posts: 5
AnnaSimmons message #1
Artwork Conversion
July 25, 2014 at 11:44:07 AM


I have some artwork that I want to convert to a cross stitch pattern, but when I try to use the 'Create a Pattern' advanced options, the 'Artwork' option is still greyed out and not available.  Alternatively, could you suggest a way to sharpen lines and make more block colours with a clear divide rather than the blending which is happening now.  I haven't found an effective way to do this.

I did try some other options such a choosing my own colours and limiting it to less than 10, but the software was still thinking about it 10 minutes after I had clicked 'Create my Pattern'.  And then I had to cut the power to get out of the program - it wouldn't let me click and close anything!

Awaiting suggestions hopefully.


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Stitchboard Admin message #2
Re: Artwork Conversion
July 25, 2014 at 10:13:08 PM  (in response to AnnaSimmons message #1)

Hi, I've alerted Terry (Support) to your message.  This isn't his area, so he wouldn't normally be monitoring it.  I'm particularly turning it over to him because of the wait time and trouble you had getting out of the program, as it's the first time I've heard of it happening at all, and that's not normal behavior for the program.  I'm guessing it might be a browser issue, but as I'm not technical, I'll have Terry respond to you with correct info.  Smile

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Stitchboard Support message #3
Re: Artwork Conversion
July 26, 2014 at 3:28:19 AM  (in response to AnnaSimmons message #1)
Hi, Anna.

Wondering if you've tried setting the contrast to a higher number?  This would reduce the gradual tone changes.

The artwork function is still not available but it's going to get taken care of relatively soon.  The artwork function combines similar colors and would probably help you.  You might also try changing the color sensitivity to a much higher number and the contrast to a slightly higher number.

Also, you bring up a good point regarding sharpening the lines.  The current version doesn't have the sharpen option in it yet.  Sharpen has been on my to-do list for a long time and it looks like this might be a good time to put it in.  So give me a few days and I'll add it.

Regarding waiting for 10 minutes and having the system hang, I'm wondering if you're using Internet Explorer version 11?  IE11 defaults to handling pdf files differently and I'll be documenting the proper settings for using it but haven't done this yet.

Anyway, the freePatternWizard is fast.  If you wait for more than about 5 seconds on medium-size patterns, then there's a problem.  Even large image files and 50 or 60 page pdf patterns should take less than 10 seconds to create.

Please let me know what browser you're using and this will help me try to figure out why you're hanging.


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Jul 19, 2014
Posts: 5
AnnaSimmons message #4
Re: Artwork Conversion
July 31, 2014 at 2:01:39 PM  (in response to Stitchboard Support message #3)

Hi again,

My system is running IE11, as suspected.

I am probably not going to run any advanced setting patterns now until you tell me that there have been updates and to give it another go.

Hopefully hear from you again soon.

Many thanks for help.


Member since:
Jul 19, 2014
Posts: 5
AnnaSimmons message #5
Re: Artwork Conversion
July 31, 2014 at 2:12:56 PM  (in response to AnnaSimmons message #4)

Further info:

I tried the PatternWizard without signing in, and it sent me a chart.

I then signed in and tried the same image without any advanced adjustments, and it stuck again and I had to close down my laptop to get out of it.


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