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community home > Free Pattern Wizard > Feature Request > cross stitch - choosing own colors
cross stitch - choosing own colors
3439 views   2 replies   Latest reply: July 8, 2014 at 11:11:24 AM

Member since:
Jun 8, 2014
Posts: 55
janicec message #1
cross stitch - choosing own colors
July 7, 2014 at 11:56:02 AM

Designing a chart from an online picture, and decided to choose my own colors.  

However, decided to tweek the colors a bit, and when I used the back option at the top of the screen, I had to input colors all over again.  Since it remembers many of the choices I previously made, can there be a way to remember colors, so that a color or so could be unchecked instead of starting from scratch, and entering them all again.  


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Jul 1, 2009
Posts: 1088
Stitchboard Support message #2
cross stitch - choosing own colors
July 7, 2014 at 4:30:19 PM  (in response to janicec message #1)
Hi again, Janice... and THANKS for your continued questions!  These help me move priorities around in my to-do (WIP) list, and like this case, sometimes add a new item to my list.

There are several variables involved with this issue and you can do me a favor by giving me some additional input that will help me decide how to fix it.

I did include an auto-restore in the program, so if you're using manual color selection, creating patterns on the screen, and want to go back and adjust your selections, it will bring up the previous manually selected colors as long as you click on the "Change Setting" button.

But this only works when you're creating patterns on the screen.

If you're creating pdfs, it's a different story and, like I say, there are additional variables.  There are ways for me to address this issue, and with some computer/browser pairs, it isn't even an issue.  For example, if I use a desktop or laptop with Firefox and manually select colors, then create a pdf pattern, I can simply close the pdf pattern on the screen and the original freePatternWizard page is still there.  I can then make any changes I want (including checking new colors and unchecking existing checked colors) and resubmit the page to see another pdf.

But as you get into mobile devices, there are more things that can go wrong.  Like I say, I can start addressing these when I know more combinations that have problems.

So if you can please let me know the device you're using to access the freePatternWizard (i.e. iPad, iPhone, desktop...), and what browser you have (i.e. Chrome, Firefox, Safari...), I'll start doing my homework and plan on adding a feature that helps with this.

Thanks for the input!


“It's kind of fun to do the impossible.
Walt Disney

Member since:
Jun 8, 2014
Posts: 55
janicec message #3
Re: cross stitch - choosing own colors
July 8, 2014 at 11:11:24 AM  (in response to Stitchboard Support message #2)

I use a desktop, and Google.

Haven't tried what you suggested above yet, but I will.


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