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> Yikes... I'm not used to sewing..
Re: Yikes... I'm not used to sewing..
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Latest reply: July 19, 2014 at 5:44:29 PM
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message #16
Re: Yikes... I'm not used to sewing..
July 12, 2014 at 10:29:47 AM
Such pictures.. Sigh.. What can you say.. :/
Abouth dogs beeing put down for being dogs.. Well, we have a law here that says: A dog that bites, so the victim needs stitches must be put down..
We have 13 breeds that are illigal here.. The first one is the Pitbull terrier, it have been illigal here for 20 years..
The next one is the American Staffordshire Terrier..
Tosa Inu
Fila Brasileiro
American Bulldog
3 different Ovtcharka's
And last the Sarplanina
All of them for very good reasons..
Especially the pit, the amstaff, the ambull are breeds that is used to look tough.. And people like members of the Bandidos, Hells Angels and people like that have them, they tend to use them as a weapon..
And people generaly doesn't know how to handle these breeds, wich means that we have had a LOT of dog attacks from some of these breeds. So now there is a law against these dogs, and there have been made a law that these breeds, if you had them before they were illigal, have to wear a muzzle every time they are out in puplic.. They can NEVER be loose, but have to have a leash on that has the maximum lenght of 2 meters..
I'm afraid that in 10 years, the only dogs that are legal is chihuahuas, labradors, and german shepherds (the police uses them)..
But I am very happy that this law exists.. People tend to run from their responsibilities.. And with this law, there have been 70% less bites from these dogs.. So my guess is that it works..
Theres only one flaw in the law...
Sometimes dogs are just dogs, and not all dogs can play with each other.. Especially not male dogs.. So if 2 male dogs get in a fight, if one of them bites through, it has to be put down.. o.O
At my house: If the dog bites, I will hit the one she bit :p
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message #17
Re: Yikes... I'm not used to sewing..
July 13, 2014 at 12:09:59 AM (in response to Aabye message #1)
I heart breaks for every one of those animals that probably came
this close
to snapping.
And someone took a picture, marked it "cute" and let others know it's perfectly acceptable to let your kid stand on a dog's face or do some other abusive thing like that.
I had no idea so many dog breeds were illegal there! I'm not sure if any would be illegal everywhere here, but some might be illegal in certain areas. I know there are issues people worry about with certain pitbulls. Though the rescue people I know say they're actually a loving long as they're not brought up to fight. OTOH, breeds used by gangs sound like a definite problem, since they
be trained to fight.
That's so sad for the poor dog, who doesn't know better.
I'm not surprised people don't know how to handle certain dog breeds. I think most people say, "I'd love to get a dog...I know...I'll get a pitbull!" And then they find they can't handle or train them.
That's a great disservice to the dog most of all, but also a great service to themselves, for taking in an animal they're so ill-prepared to handle.
Wow, only a few legal dog breeds there?!
If that happened here, I assure you, people would be up in arms, screaming about it.
I agree, dogs are dogs, and to expect them to follow a law they neither know about nor have the capacity to understand in the slightest is crazy. How sad that one will be put down for biting another dog.
Now, that's more good parenting.
Which makes complete sense...whoever the dog bit is the one who caused the trouble. And certainly not a reason to have the dog put down!
Melanie (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
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message #18
Re: Yikes... I'm not used to sewing..
July 13, 2014 at 5:05:01 AM (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #2)
The problem with the pitbull is that it was produced to fight..
The pitbull can be a loving dog. I know this - my uncle had one a couple of years ago (illigal), he was put down because of old age.. The best dog ever.. Always sweet and gentle.. Never did anything wrong.. But my uncle KNEW what kind of dog he had, and he couldn't trust anyone with him.. His wife was not even allowed to walk the dog.. So my uncle haven't been away from the dog for 13 years..
What I am trying to say is that the pit CAN be a loving dog.. But it genes tells it to be agressive, so it doesn't take much to trigger it..
The pitbull breeders then wanted a dog that they could show, and therefore they put a LOT of work into the pitbulls - taking the ones with least temper, the smallest ones of them and the most "sporty" ones - and created the American Staffordshire Terrier.. But this breed still have some problemes with it's genes.. You cannot take away it's instincts..
These dogs instincts tells it to attack when it's feeling preassured.. The dog can be very loving, and very sweet, and have never harmed a fly..
One of my mothers friends actually have a dog who was trained to fight.. The people she took this dog from used to set burn him with cigarettes, whip him, letting other dogs attack him, just to get a reaction.. He was what they called a "good fighting dog"...
Anyhow, he was rescued, and he have been through sooo much, and still he loves humans.. But if he sees another dog, he goes crazy.. It has gotten better with old age (he's 11 now), and for some reason he doesn't try to attack my dog.. But his instinct tells him to attack, because if he doesn't, he will be the one to be attacked.. He's always in deffensive mode...
I'm not sure if my "prediction" will come true.. But if the government keep this up, then I am affraid that there will only be a few breeds that are legal..
The government have made 13 breeds illigal.. And they have another list with another 13 breeds ( I know that the rottweiler, dobberman, english bulldog, staffordshire bull terrier and the french bulldog is on that list - just because of the names..).. So if they keep this up then all breeds with natural instincts will be illigal in a couple of years.. The husky will be one of them.. They have a natural instinct to hunt, and will do so if they get out of their leash..
My dogs sister killed to goats last year.. They have gotten out of the yard after a storm, and the owners didn't know that the fence had fallen some places. So the dog got out, and killed 2 goats, and a couple of chickens..
If the husky catches a deer, it will not be a problem for it to kill it.. o.O
Can you see where I am going with this?
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message #19
Re: Yikes... I'm not used to sewing..
July 13, 2014 at 7:46:47 PM (in response to Aabye message #3)
Wow, I didn't know that part about pitbulls. Because here there are a lot of people - rescue people - who believe pitbulls can be totally safe. I can see your point about the aggression, and that's a very important consideration. I can only hope the ones who do believe they can be totally safe are training them well to be loving dogs, not use to their aggressiveness...though I wouldn't put anything past anyone.
Awww, how sweet and also sad about your friend's former fighting dog.
Wow, the rottweiler is on the list of dogs that may someday be illegal...and the husky, too?
! I sincerely hope it won't go that far. Do you think they'd be going overboard to do that?
Is your sister's dog a husky?
I know there used to be requirements here, in our neighborhood, that you couldn't have a dog...but that seems to have changed lately. Not sure if that's good or bad! Matter of fact, I think someone
have a pitbull.
It's a terrible shame that there isn't something that would easily curb a dog's attack instincts, yet not harm the dog at all.
LOL, sigh, well, I would definitely not advocate moving here, at least not while you're going through school or anything...but I'm guessing the laws are so much more lax about dogs (though it might depend on where you might choose to live if you wanted to come here). And my suggestion would be that it wouldn't be worth all that you'd go through, just to be able to own certain dog breeds that might be illegal there in the future.
Also, there are probably other areas nearby where you could go that might have laxer laws. Maybe Germany, Norway, Sweden...? I know nothing about their laws (and their climates might be worse, sigh), but perhaps some other nearby place might be a possibility for settling in the future? Or would it really be worth it? Would you be content with an "approved" breed instead of a husky? (I imagine your dog would be grandfathered into the law...but since dogs don't live forever, you wouldn't be able to adopt another in the future, should the laws change, sadly.
For us, I think we're just too set in our ways for dogs. I love them...but they're sooooo much upkeep compared to cats. I think if we were still in our 20s and not having back problems, we might have the energy...but for now, I think it will have to be cats. If things change, then we might consider a dog.
Melanie (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
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message #20
Re: Yikes... I'm not used to sewing..
July 14, 2014 at 6:10:33 AM (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #4)
My thoughts of these laws, is that they are completely uncalled for.. But since you cannot "ban" people, and make them illigal, then it's the easiest way to just make the dogs illigal..
Oh no... My dogs sister.. Not my sisters dog.. :p
So yes.. A husky :p
Pitbulls can be very loving dogs, there are no need to be afraid of them.. If the people who have them, knows what they have between their hands they can be very loving dogs.. I would, personaly, not trust them..
Norways climate is perfect for me.. It's cold, it has a lot of snow.. The summers are not as hot as it is here, so the humidity is not a problem...
But I don't understand what they are saying, even though their language is so similar to mine :p
If one day, my breed becomes illigal to own.. Then I will look for another breed.. As I said, there are over 400 different breeds.. :p We actually talked about not getting a second husky when ou girl is not here anymore.. We have looked into some different breeds. One is the Irish Wolfhound.. And of course the Poodle..
If the state decides to make all dogs illigal I'll have an excuse to get more piggies..
Of course it would be sad for me, as I love dogs..
But the state also talks about getting a "dog" license.. Much like the drivers license..
The thought is that you can get this licence to hold 1 type of dog.. You can then get licenses to all the different kind of dogs like: companion dogs, polar dogs, guard dogs and so on..
Problem is, that we don't have resources to keep an eye on these licenses.. We don't even have recourses to follow up on the already existing laws.. Sigh..
Cats are also great pets.. When I get a bit older, and the boys move out (thank god theres a long time until that happens), then we would like to se the world, just the 2 of us..
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message #21
Re: Yikes... I'm not used to sewing..
July 14, 2014 at 11:20:12 PM (in response to Aabye message #5)
That's so sad, but I understand the point. LOL, sometimes I would really like to see certain people banned
, but of course, that's not going to happen. That said, I wish there were a better way besides banning breeds.
LOL, sorry...your dog's sister...that's a
Maybe some people just don't know what they're getting into when they get a pitbull.
Which unfortunately would reflect badly on the dog, not them, if they don't know how to handle the breed.
So then it sounds as if Norway isn't an option...I would have similar concerns about a place where I couldn't understand the language.
LOL, a whole zoo of piggies!
I'm glad there are other breeds you don't mind.
Wow, that's so complex about dog licenses!
Is that the case now, or is that something they're thinking of doing in the future?
I agree, cats are great.
They're pretty low maintenance and very loving.
I love your plan to travel the world when your boys are grown!
Melanie (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
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message #22
Re: Yikes... I'm not used to sewing..
July 15, 2014 at 1:17:46 AM (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #6)
Haha.. No harm done.. But yes.. Huge difference.. My sister is not old enough to have a dog :p she's only 13.. And other than that, I only have brothers... :p
I do however have a lot of siblings.. :p I have 6 siblings.. 3 on my mothers side, that she had with the boys father... And then 3 on his side that he had with his new wife.. The 3 on my mothers side is only half brothers, because their father is not my father, even though I call him dad.. :p I don't know my biological father. And I am not sure that I ever want to..
The state have talked about a dog license.
But it's not certain that they will actually make it..
It's a lot of work, and right now we don't even have the recources to keep up with the laws that are already here.. :/
Right now they are exploring possibilities... People have protested about if for almost 2 years now.. At least once a month.. Sometimes they do it several times a week..
But they have to make a soloution to the dog problem.. Some of these dogs are realy dangerous in the wrong hands.. I know that a lot of other breeds are too, but these breeds have som "danger appeal" about them.. And that's why certain types of people chooses these breeds..
So I don't know.. I fear the worst, but hope for the best..
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Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid!
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message #23
Re: Yikes... I'm not used to sewing..
July 15, 2014 at 4:24:51 PM (in response to Aabye message #7)
That sounds like a very large and confusing family! How do you keep all of them straight in your mind?
Is everyone scattered all over the place, or do most live near each other? And is your family mostly very close (in relationship, not in physical distance), I hope?
There are very few in my family who talk to each other. Most don't bother. There are a lot of cousins, several of whom are my age, but we still don't speak.
I hope it's unlikely the dog license will fly. It would create such a terrible headache! I hope they find a better solution that doesn't make it difficult for good people like you to own a particular breed, like a husky.
It's sad that people use these breeds to scare and perhaps hurt others.
It's especially unfair to the dog, who learns all of the wrong things and gets abused in the process, too.
I despise people who abuse animals.
I hope your fears are for nothing and it all works out well.
Melanie (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
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message #24
Re: Yikes... I'm not used to sewing..
July 16, 2014 at 5:17:28 AM (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #8)
Yes.. My family is very confusing.. :p
Well.. My mother doesn't speak with her biological father.. So my granddad is not biological.. :p He doesn't have any kids of his own, so that one is easy..
I don't speak with my biological father, but my half brothers father is "my father".. He came into my life when I was only 6 months old, so I have never known anyone but him..
My "father" and mother got a divorce when I was seven or eight.. With him, she has 3 boys..
My "father" then got another girl pregnant.. They have together decided that he's not seeing the girl.. She's 13 or 14 now..
Then he met another woman, who he is now married to.. They have together 3 kids, 2 boys and a girl.
I don't see these kids as my siblings, even though that is how I describe them.
My father - his new wife and their 3 kids lives in Copenhagen with one of my half brothers...
His father is actually from America.. o.O Anyhow..
It doesn't stop here.. :p
My mother got married to her "new" husband, my stepfather, almost 10 years ago..
He doesn't have any kids (by choise, he has some diseases that he would pass down to any childrens he had, and he believes that no child should live with these diseases.. Thumbs up to him).. He says that he has more than enough children in the 4 of us (my mothers kids)..
He is called grandpa by my kids, and that will never change.. My father knows this, and is fine with it.. As he says: "I'm not there for your kids.. We are 370 km apart.. I'm happy if they are happy".. He is called "the second granddad"
Anyhow.. My stepfather's mother is the kids great grand mother.. Her husband died from cancer almost 5 years ago.. But she has a new "friend".. So he is kind of a great grand dad for the kids.. But we still call him by name..
It's a bit confusing.. But I have never known anything else.. So for me it's as close to natural as you can get.. I have stopped explaining my family situation to people.. :p LOL..
It's easier on Thomas side of the family... There's his father and his girlfriend.. Then there is his mother, who we are not speaking with..
Then there is his grandparents.. And his uncles.. These are the ones we speak with..
He is almost related to half of our town.. o.O His family is HUGE..
Anyhow.. My side of the family is here in Billund, or in Copenhagen..
Thomas side of the family is scattered around the world..
I know that a uncle of some kind were actually close to George W Bush when he was President.... o.O
In my family we are not as close as I would like to.. But it's difficult when half of the family (actually the part I like the most) lives 370 km away.. Of course we call each other, and we talk over the internet.. But it's not the same.. :/
My brother who lives with his father visits some times, he's coming to visit today, but it can be months before we see him again.. My father doesn't have a lot of money, and neither do we, and it costs a lot to travel to copenhagen and back again.. And of course the other way around too..
Well.. This was a bit messy :p Maybe you can find heads and tails in it.. I know I can - but I'm used to it :p
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Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid!
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message #25
Re: Yikes... I'm not used to sewing..
July 17, 2014 at 12:42:43 AM (in response to Aabye message #9)
Of course, what's confusing to others would be what you're used to.
And as long as you understand, that's fine!
It's a bit confusing to me, but I do get the gist.
And really, biological family means nothing. You can have the nicest people in your life who aren't related to you at all, and you can have the worst people in your life who are blood relatives.
And I agree...thumbs up to your stepfather!
Good for him, choosing not to make children suffer with his genetic diseases.
LOL, glad the other side of the family is a lot less complex!
Melanie (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
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message #26
Re: Yikes... I'm not used to sewing..
July 17, 2014 at 2:57:43 PM (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #10)
It's a bit complex.. :p
But you are right.. Biological family means nothing... It's the people you have around you that is family..
My "aunt", who unfortunately passed away a couple of years ago from cancer, was not even related to us... She was my mothers best friend through 36 years..
And naturally her husband was called uncle, and their kids was called cousins..
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Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid!
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message #27
Re: Yikes... I'm not used to sewing..
July 18, 2014 at 12:37:10 AM (in response to Aabye message #11)
I think a lot of families are complex these days...I know someone who has a lot of brothers and sisters, most of whom are only half brothers and sisters. It really doesn't matter too much. Some are close, some she doesn't speak to at all, and not because of whether they're half-siblings or siblings with both of the same parents.
LOL, I have plenty of cousins who aren't even related to me by blood! Aside from the tons of cousins who are. Hee hee, but the non-related ones are the cousins I actually speak to...or at least write to.
Awww, I'm sorry to hear about your aunt...pfft, if you loved her and called her aunt, that's all that counts!
I remember an old family friend from many years ago that I called uncle, and he wasn't related at all, either.
Sometimes "family" trumps family!
Melanie (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict. If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.
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message #28
Re: Yikes... I'm not used to sewing..
July 18, 2014 at 3:12:00 PM (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #12)
I'm so with you on that one..
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Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid!
- Albert Einstein
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message #29
Re: Yikes... I'm not used to sewing..
July 18, 2014 at 6:40:53 PM (in response to Aabye message #13)
I thought you would see it that way!
I think the best part of all is you can choose who to surround yourself with. You don't have to be around horrible, toxic people! You can be around reasonable, loving people with whom you share interests, or at least get along with pretty well, even if your interests don't quite overlap.
And that, my friend, is what I consider a "win."
Melanie (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict. If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.
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message #30
Re: Yikes... I'm not used to sewing..
July 19, 2014 at 7:49:07 AM (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #14)
A win-win situation.. :p
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Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid!
- Albert Einstein
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