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Re: Hello there..
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Stitchboard Admin message #31
Re: Hello there..
April 11, 2014 at 6:06:23 PM

If it says that in the standards, then a judge shouldn't be able to rule a snow nose a fault!  That's so unfair.  Frown

I think a snow nose is adorable!  Kiss

Oh, pppptttthhhhbbbbb to that judge.  He should have disqualified himself as a judge if he was unable to fairly judge.  Ugh.  Frown

Melanie  (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
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Aabye message #32
Re: Hello there..
April 12, 2014 at 2:28:38 PM  (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #1)

I agree.. A judge who will judge a dog based on that he does not like the breed, should not be able to judge - AT ALL!...

Problem is, when the judge have put his signature on the papers, then there is NOTHING you can do.. :/ Not even the president of the kennel club can do anything.. 

I heard that the judge a couple of months later was fired.  

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Stitchboard Admin message #33
Re: Hello there..
April 12, 2014 at 7:28:18 PM  (in response to Aabye message #2)

It's really crooked for a judge to agree to get paid (I imagine he was paid!) to do something where he's supposed to be impartial.  At least he was fired...but definitely not soon enough!  Yell  But that's the whole point of is supposed to be impartial.

Sounds like there may have been plenty of complaints about him, which led to him being ultimately fired, thankfully.  Not a moment too soon, I'm sure!

It probably also speaks to the fact that there are politics just about everywhere, sigh.  It would be so wonderful to think something like a nice dog show would be immune to that!

Melanie  (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
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Aabye message #34
Re: Hello there..
April 13, 2014 at 6:59:54 AM  (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #3)

Yes he was paid. All judges are paid, and that is why they should be impartial. Not all off them are though.

But I/she won my/her fair share of the shows.. :p lol.. The next dog I am getting, I will participate in dog shows with.. Again... I love the atmosphere there. 

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Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid!
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Stitchboard Admin message #35
Re: Hello there..
April 13, 2014 at 4:26:18 PM  (in response to Aabye message #4)

I'm not surprised he was paid and still didn't do the job...shameful!  Embarassed

Is there a lot of expense to participating in the shows?  Are there a lot of fees, crazy rules, etc?  LOL, not that I have plans to get a dog (hee hee, one adult cat is plenty for me!) or go to shows, but I hope you don't mind that I pick your brain on this, because I find it fascinating!  Kiss  I've never known anyone who participated in dog shows.  One of my high school friends breeds dogs, from what I understand, but I don't think she shows them, and I'm not in touch with her anymore, only hear about her occasionally from a mutual friend.

So what's involved with training a dog to be in a show?  Smile

Melanie  (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
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Aabye message #36
Re: Hello there..
April 14, 2014 at 11:46:19 AM  (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #5)

Haha.. You are more than welcome to ask Wink

There IS a lot of expenses to participate.. First of there is a fee for entering.. In denmark the fee is about $55.. Then there is the driving around. A lot of people drive all across europe, and the middle east just to get a critique of their dog.. I even know a woman who travels all the way to the US.. :s
And if you have a dog who needs to be groomed, then you'll have to pay for that, unless you can do it yourself.. The poodle needs to be clipped in a specific way.. You can take a look at this website: The most common clip for the poodle is the continental clip Smiley

Then off course you'll need to train you dog to stand in a very specific way in the show ring, unless you know how to train this, you'll have to pay for training off course. The standing is, no matter how stupid it sounds, one of the most important thing in the dog show. The dog needs to stand still during the whole judging. The judge have to be able to touch the dog all over, and the dog must not move.. The judge have to be able to check the dogs bite, and the dog must not move. Not all breeds stands the same way in the ring.

No crazy rules though. The dog may not act agressive, it needs to not care about other dogs. And then the dog have to be as close as possible to its breeds standard. If you want, you can read some of the breed standards here: .


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Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid!
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Aabye message #37
Re: Hello there..
April 14, 2014 at 11:48:40 AM  (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #5)
There is of course rules like: you'll have to get xx certificates from x different judges in xx different contrys, before your dog gets the title of: national champion, youth champion, international champin etc etc etc.. Smiley

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Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid!
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Stitchboard Admin message #38
Re: Hello there..
April 14, 2014 at 10:02:09 PM  (in response to Aabye message #7)

Thank you...and wow, that's all so do you remember all of it?!

I can't imagine a dog sitting still for all of the things the judges have to do...that must take a lot of really intensive training.  LOL, it takes a lot just to get our kitty to say "Yes" to the question of, "Do you want food?"  Wink

And I had no idea how many variations there were for clipping poodles!  I must say, it's a joy to see the different ones, as well as all of the different variations of cuteKiss

So have you shown a lot of different dogs, and how far have you gone...national championships, international...?

Have you traveled across Europe and/or the Middle East to get critiques for a dog?  Or have you been to the US, like that woman you mentioned?  Is that considered pretty "out there," or do others travel a lot like that, too?

If I had the patience, I think I'd try showing a dog just for the fun of it.  Smile  It sounds like a blast!  Smile

Melanie  (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
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Aabye message #39
Re: Hello there..
April 15, 2014 at 1:16:31 PM  (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #8)

well.. i only remember thesed things because i have shown dogs for 5 years.
I have not shown a lot of different dogs.. I have shown my own dog and her sister, then i have handled a chihuahua (also my own, but my cat attacked her, and almost killed her.. Dog weighing 2.8 kg VS Maine Coon weighing 7 kg.. You can imagine the outcome!

For some dogs it takes a LOT of intense training. The judging of the dogs appearence takes about 10 min. So if you have more than 6 dogs in the class the dog have to stand still for 60 mins give or take a couple of mins.. 

I myself have not gone that far.. I have only been in germany once. But there are judges coming from around the world to judge the dogs, so I have shown my dog to judges from: germany, UK, sweden, norway, france, and belgium.. Smiley

I cannot go as far as the middle east to show my dog, i have my kids to take care of too, and i would not wan't to take them with me.. They would be borred to death.. :p

My dog is: Youth champion, and National Champion.. She is one certificate short of beeing an international champion..

Going to US to show a dow, is considered kind of crazy.. The woman i know of who did travel all the way there, eventually had a danish dog with the title of American Champion, on the dogs papers. I believe that only 10 dogs in Denmark have that title. So it's a big thing.

You should try going for a dog show once, just to take a look.. I don't know how things work "over there", but here in DK, audience is very much welcome.. And for free.. Smiley 

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Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid!
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Stitchboard Admin message #40
Re: Hello there..
April 15, 2014 at 10:42:56 PM  (in response to Aabye message #9)

Is it pretty much the same for showing different types of dogs, or do the different temperaments of the breeds make some much more difficult to deal with than others?

How awful about the poor chihuahua!  Cry  Cats are so territorial and possessive.  I would love to have a bunny, but have heard such nightmares about cats and bunnies together.  And our cat - a rescue - would surely think of a bunny or small dog as an adversary (or food).  Cry  She doesn't even like other cats!

Wow, that's a long time for a dog to stand still...I can't even stand still that long!  Wink

It's nice that some of the judges come to you so you don't have to travel!  Do you think you'll travel more when the kids are older, maybe teach them how to show dogs?  Smile

I think Youth and National Champion sound really cool!  Kiss

I see, so it's kind of like collecting another title to come to the US!

What a great idea, to see a dog show!  Kiss  I spoke to my husband...when our lives calm down, we'll go to a dog show!  Kiss  How exciting...thank you so much for the suggestion!  LOL, you're going to hear me oohing and aahing over the cuteness all  the way in Denmark!  KissWink

Melanie  (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
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Aabye message #41
Re: Hello there..
April 16, 2014 at 5:38:58 AM  (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #10)
It's pretty much the same no matter what type o dog you are showing.. The toy breeds and small breeds have to stand on a table like here:  

Of course, the different breeds have different ways to be stacked (the standing position)

Here the boxer:
The Siberian Husky:
The German Shepherd:

You can see a variation in the hind legs.. Smiley So to sum up: different breeds - different stacking.

The cat that attacked my poor chihuahua was the cat from hell.. Lokked like an angel, but the devils temper.. :p

I'll see if i can locate a bette picture of her.. Smiley

But to come back to the shows.. I don't know if i'll travel more when the kids are older.. Maybe when they are old enough to take care of them selves, without burning my house down.. :p

Ohhhhhh you'll have SO much fun at a dog show.. Lots of people to talk to about the different dog types.. Cheesy Lots of different hair styles on the poodles.. :p
Some have actually made a competition with the poodles to clip them in different ways..  Take a look at this site and prepare to laugh:

Note that the colouring is not dangerous for the dogs, and are specially made for their skin so they are not hurt.. The colours comes right out with a bath.. Cheesy Cheesy 

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Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid!
- Albert Einstein 

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Aabye message #42
Re: Hello there..
April 16, 2014 at 5:40:35 AM  (in response to Aabye message #11) take a look at this one too for crazy poodle hair.. Cheesy Cheesy

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Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid!
- Albert Einstein 

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Stitchboard Admin message #43
Re: Hello there..
April 16, 2014 at 8:55:55 PM  (in response to Aabye message #12)

I see why the smaller dogs would have to go up on a table...can you imagine the judges with hurting backs after judging them if they stood on the ground?!  Wink

Seriously, that's so interesting how the standing position is so very different for the different dog legs/different breeds!  And those dogs are soooooooooooooo gorgeous...though I have to say, I'm especially loving the huskies.  Kiss  If I'd ever owned a dog, it would have been a husky.  I did find one once.  So gorgeous.  I couldn't take her in, though, and had to call Animal Control in my city.  She was so sweet and really seemed to like me.  I hope they either found her humans or found her a good home.  Of course, long after I found her, a friend said he would have taken her in if he'd known about her...but I didn't know him very well at the time and certainly didn't know he loved dogs!  Cry

Awww, she certainly was a beautiful kitty!  Though even the sweetest tempered cats can turn into hellions if riled up.  I found the sweetest little stray a few years ago, but all he had to do was see another cat and he was on the attack!  It's sad they're so territorial like that.  Even our sweetie...and she really is sweet and so trustworthy...would turn into a hellcat if confronted with another cat.  All she has to do is see another cat outside, through the window and she gets upset!  No matter how carefully we explain the cat cannot get in the house, she doesn't calm down easily.  Frown

LOL!  I love those hairstyles on the poodles!  Kiss  What imagination!  Kiss

Melanie  (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict.  If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.

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Aabye message #44
Re: Hello there..
April 18, 2014 at 6:06:32 AM  (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #13)

Haha.. Yeah.. a lot of hurt backs in dog shows then... Smiley

Sthe standing position ofthe dogs is soooo individual.. You need to show the dog from its best side.. Så even in one breed there can be a number of standing positions... It's the same in cat shows..

Yeah.. She was a beautifull cat.. Shame that she had to travel across the rainbow bridge.. We found out that she had cancer.. :/ And it had spread so much when we found out, that we decided to spare her for the pain.. :/

Huskies is a special kind of dog.. They are so intelligent, that they will cut corners with you if they find a weak spot.. They are not very obedient, and they will run of into the sunset if they get a chance.. Well.. 99% off them anyway..

Oh and poodle hairstyles... haha.. they are soooooo funny Cheesy Cheesy I laugh so hard every time i see them.. :p lool

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Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid!
- Albert Einstein 

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Stitchboard Admin message #45
Re: Hello there..
April 18, 2014 at 6:46:40 PM  (in response to Aabye message #14)

I'm picturing a bunch of judges wearing back belts and braces, grimacing in pain to examine yet another small dog!  Laughing

You know, I never thought of that with dogs or cats...but you're right...the different breeds would tend to stand differently!  And as hard as it is to train dogs...I imagine the cats are even worse...LOL, you can't make a cat do anything!

Awww, how sad that your cat had cancer!  Cry  You did the right thing for sure.  It's so cruel to make a furchild live in pain.  Cry

LOL, huskies must be a challenge like cats, then!  So is there a secret to keeping a husky home, or do you just have to be very, very diligent?

I agree...the poodle hairstyles are hilarious!  Laughing  Dressing one up like a camel or a horse, for fascinating!  And the abstract ones are cool, too!  Kiss

Melanie  (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict.  If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.

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