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community home > Free Pattern Wizard > Updates > v2.10.0 You can now save many settings!
v2.10.0 You can now save many settings!
3295 views   0 replies   Latest reply: March 9, 2014 at 10:17:05 PM

Member since:
Jul 1, 2009
Posts: 1100
Stitchboard Support message #1
v2.10.0 You can now save many settings!
March 9, 2014 at 10:17:05 PM
Whew! I just created a new feature that let's you save some of your settings. For example, if you're a beader and always want to start the page with the beading button clicked, you can now do it! There are 11 options so far that can be preset (and changed anytime).

Briefly, this new feature allows you to save certain preferences (such as stitch category, type, output options, etc.) and have them automatically fill in every time you run the patternWizard. You can always change your default settings as well as overriding them. So if you set a default stitch category of crochet and later want to just do a quick beading chart, run the patternWizard. It'll come up with the "crochet" button checked. Since you want to do a beading chart, just click on the beading button. The next chart will be in beading format. When you re-run the patternWizard, it'll return to "crochet".

It might sound complicated but is really quite simple.  I did my best to make it intuitive. You can't really screw things up too bad! Foot in Mouth And if you do, there's a "Reset All My Changes" button that will clear all your settings back to the way it was when you first started.

Here are some more details:


NOTE: You must be logged in to use this option. (Remember, membership is totally free!)

Along the right side is now a new tab called "Settings".  When you click on it, it'll slide open a new "control panel".  As I mentioned, currently there are 11 options:
  • Select a stitch category
  • Set a stitch type
  • Set a stitch shape
  • Choose screen or .pdf option for output
  • When doing .pdfs, choose color only, symbols only, or both
  • Configure a grid
  • Set default color sensitivity
  • Set default brightness
  • Set default contrast
  • Set default smoothness (sharpness)
  • And something for the future, set a default language to use

It actually should be pretty self-explanatory but here a few notes:

You must select a stitch category (i.e. beading) before selecting a stitch type.

You must select a stitch type before selecting a stitch shape.

Some categories and stitch types won't allow setting the shape, but don't worry, it'll let you know this.

If you set a default stitch category and later want to clear it, simply open the slide-out window and click on the "clear" button and re-save your settings.

So a quick tutorial:

Let's say you're a beader and usually click the "beading" button every time you run the patternWizard. So open up the slide-out window by clicking on the "Settings" tab on the right. Then in the first section, click on the "beading" button. You'll see:

You can also select a stitch type if you often use a particular stitch type. (As I already mentioned, when you make a selection, you can always override the setting at the patternWizard page by clicking on a different one.) If you do work with several different stitches, you can just leave the rest blank.

When you're done setting your desired defaults, click on the "Save My Settings" button:

You'll get a nice "Success" message and you're good to go.  The next time you run the patternWizard, your new settings will show up.

I will continue to add some other options as time permits. By all means ring in and let me know what other options you'd like to have in here! I'll try to do those first.

Also, regarding the language option, I'm in the process of converting the entire program over to a format that will support unlimited languages. This should be ready in a week or so. Once this is done, I'll be on the lookout for any volunteers to help with translations.

Finally, please let me know if you have questions or problems so I can address them and possibly clear things up more if I've confused you!


“It's kind of fun to do the impossible.
Walt Disney

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