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Free Pattern Wizard
> create my own pattern
create my own pattern
5912 views 5 replies
Latest reply: March 5, 2014 at 6:59:33 PM
Member since:
May 10, 2013
Posts: 3
message #1
create my own pattern
March 1, 2014 at 4:55:18 PM
Admittedly, I am the least tech savvy person on the planet. That being said, how do I go about creating my own pattern (directly on to the graph 'paper'). I can't seem to get it to allow me to create a format without the use of an image. What am I doing wrong?
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Jul 1, 2009
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Stitchboard Support
message #2
Re: create my own pattern
March 1, 2014 at 8:58:14 PM (in response to marcie message #1)
Hi. If you're wanting to create a pattern from scratch by filling in your stitches directly onto "graph paper" on the screen, the current version does not do that.
The current version creates patterns from images and scans. I wanted to begin with this function and build and add functions from there.
An upcoming version which has a full editor built in could technically do that.
It's still in development and I'll make sure to allow creating patterns without having to start with an image.
So please be patient as I continue to add features. There's lots to come!
“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”
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May 10, 2013
Posts: 3
message #3
Re: create my own pattern
March 2, 2014 at 6:50:41 PM (in response to Stitchboard Support message #2)
Can you recommend a program that is currently available to do this. I'm having a devil of a time finding one that will allow me to do this with a peyote stitch pattern?
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message #4
Re: create my own pattern
March 2, 2014 at 10:48:54 PM (in response to marcie message #3)
I'm sorry to say we've had the same problem, of the reasons we created the Free Pattern Wizard is to allow us to do what other programs don't! There is a solution that may tide you over until we have the capability you're looking for, though I have to admit, it's somewhat inelegant. (I use this myself when I don't have a specific image but simply want to create a pattern from my imagination.)
What I do is send a blank (white) image through the Free Pattern Wizard and then save it as a GIF. You can then import the GIF into a graphics program. If you don't have one, there are several free programs out there, one of which is called Gimp. I use an ancient version of a program called Paint Shop Pro for this purpose. (Paint Shop Pro is not a free program, and compared to the version I have, the current one is no doubt quite complex and likely beyond my comprehension!)
Without getting too specific (which would be entirely unhelpful, as my version of PSP would be completely different than, say, a program like Gimp), what I do is open the image of the graph, then use various colors to paint the image that I want onto the graph image, within the black outlines. It can be painstaking, but it's really the only way I've found to work, not from an image, but from a picture in my mind.
So this is why I also have a vested interest in having a version of the Free Pattern Wizard that allows me to do this.
Melanie (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict. If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.
Member since:
Mar 5, 2014
Posts: 1
message #5
Re: create my own pattern
March 5, 2014 at 12:21:51 PM (in response to marcie message #1)
Admittedly, I am the least tech savvy person on the planet. That being said, how do I go about creating my own pattern (directly on to the graph 'paper'). I can't seem to get it to allow me to create a format without the use of an image. What am I doing wrong?
I am having the same problem and asked the same question 3/5/2014
Member since:
Jul 1, 2009
Posts: 1100
Stitchboard Support
message #6
Re: create my own pattern
March 5, 2014 at 6:59:33 PM (in response to djlong message #5)
If you're also wondering about creating a pattern from a blank "graph paper", please read my above answer (message #4). I have also answered it in the freePatternWizard's Frequently Asked Questions area in the side FAQs tab.
And thanks for asking.
“If you can dream it, you can do it.
Tom Fitzgerald
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