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Re: Tunisian gauge
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BetwixtTheStitch message #91
Re: Tunisian gauge
November 4, 2013 at 9:13:35 AM
I'm sorry about your headaches. Cry I hope it's nothing serious.

I think you're right about the dots of paint Wink.  I got the idea from the several pair of fuzzy "gripper" socks I have. They all have what looks like dots of paint on the bottom that made me wonder.
Of course fabric paint is so inexpensive now, compared to the days when we had to order it from dealers.
Beaded eyes probably look much nicer than my painted eyes, I'm sure. Eyes are just difficult, and I do make a lot for young children. Now I make the eyeballs seperate and paint them, and stitch them into the holes I made for them. By no means a perfect solution, but better.

I don't own an e-reader, so I can't really take advantage of all those freebies .Frown

This is a Lion brand adult cardigan pattern that I'm tweaking a bit (lot) for tunisian. I just think that tunisian looks much nicer for garments than standard. Smile

As far as I know, green beans are just immature beans (we used to call them "snaps"), but I don't know that for sure. I've not tried drying the "snaps", only blanching and freezing. But I do imagine they would need a dehydrator, or something to help with the moisture in them.

You know, I don't even remember what kind of basket she carried. I think a picnic basket since it had goodies for granny. Laughing

Halloween isn't the only time for "dress up", my son wears his Ironman helmet hat all winter. No different than people wearing a sports jersey in my mind. Laughing


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Stitchboard Admin message #92
Re: Tunisian gauge
November 4, 2013 at 6:03:22 PM  (in response to BetwixtTheStitch message #1)

Thanks.  Kiss  Argh, I've had a lot of really bad headaches lately...but I'll live.  Undecided

Oh, yes, now that you mention it...I have some gripper socks like that, too!  Some have dots, some have squiggles, but they all definitely look just like fabric paint!  Smile

Sigh, I do remember having to order fabric paint...not that I did, because I couldn't afford it, but it wasn't so easily available the way it is now.  Yell

I like your way of making the eyes, and of course that's the safest thing for gifts for kids.  I'm sure it works far better than the inelegant solution of embroidery, because at least you have much more control over how even it is.  Smile  You're definitely a genius, and if I end up making anything for kids, I'm going to try to remember to do it that way!  Kiss

No, don't need a Kindle!  I don't own one at all.  These days, you can get ereaders for your PC.  Kindle makes a PC-based ereader.  That's what I have installed on this computer right now!  This is where you can get it:

Honestly, if I had a Kindle reader, I would much prefer to download patterns for the PC reader version, anyway.  Can you imagine reading crochet charts on a little tiny screen?  Yell  I would think that would be incredibly difficult.  At least on the PC I can see an entire large chart, instead of in only small pieces.  Yell

Anyway, I definitely suggest downloading the free Kindle reader app for your PC...there are free patterns offered all the time!  The Mini Menagerie wasn't the only one...there was a tissue box cover recently, and there are things for babies, too...hats, cocoons, etc.

I try to list the freebies on a daily basis...LOL, more or less.  Wink  Sometimes I can't get to them fast enough, but most of the time, I do.

BTW, re: our original experiment, there is a free Morehouse Farms knitting booklet of animal scarves that I think is still free (somewhere I read it's free through 11/5 - hope that's true!)...if you get the Kindle app for your PC in time, maybe it would be fun to experiment making those in TKS?  They're really cute.  Smile

So is the cardigan pattern that you're messing with straight sc?  I love so many of the Lion Brand patterns...though I like to tweak them to my own satisfaction, too.  Smile  Same with Garnstudio.  I love Garnstudio, but I often like to change things up!

Ah, I see.  I'll have to wait for a dehydrator, then.  We used to have one, but it got flooded.  LOL, I don't think I want to use it.  Wink

I'm sure you're must have been a picnic basket for granny!  Laughing  Wish I'd thought of making a simple one at the time...I could have beaded or crocheted something.

I agree...sometimes it's fun to shake things up, anyway.  Laughing  And who says a costume party can only be given on Halloween?  Last I'd heard there was no law about costumes being for Halloween only.  Laughing  And you're so right about sports jerseys!  Smile

I'm going to send you a private message.  Smile

Melanie  (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict.  If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.

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BetwixtTheStitch message #93
Re: Tunisian gauge
November 5, 2013 at 9:31:12 AM  (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #2)
Thank you, I just downloaded it, yipppeeee!Kiss

My son and DIL tried to convince me I needed a Kindle because when my back was at it's worst I couldn't even bear to sit and hold a book, it was just too painful, and I dearly love to read.
But I can't imagine trying to read anything on that little screen! Much less a pattern.

I got lost, for a few minutes, downloading patterns. I also learned that Kindle offers free Kindle Cloud readers connected to your amazon account. Laughing

When you first started posting the free ones, I was looking every day until I realized they were all for e readers, now I can go back to doing that. Smile

The pattern I'm messing with is done in V stitch, and of course I'm having to do a lot of math (thank goodness for calculators) to get the fit right.
Funny how that really doesn't seem like the same math that made me "sweat blood" in school. Wink

There is a whole culture of costume play out there, called Cosplay. I have family members that are very into it. Laughing And lets not forget about the Ren fair costumes, belly dance, etc.


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Stitchboard Admin message #94
Re: Tunisian gauge
November 5, 2013 at 8:05:32 PM  (in response to BetwixtTheStitch message #3)

WOO HOO!!  SmileLaughingSmile

I'm so glad you're going to make use of the free Kindle patterns!  It's so fantastic to have that resource, IMO.  Especially when people are making their patterns available for free here and there!

Cheap is good, but free is better!  Laughing

Books (non pattern books, that is) should be okay to read on a Kindle.  We were forced to go away from our ancient phones recently to smartphones (which we needed to test the site, anyway), and I have to say that while I love real books, I adore reading my Kindle in the dark.  I can read while my husband is sleeping.  I used to have to leave the light on, and he I can read my books, and he doesn't see a thing.  I figure I can't crochet or knit or do beadwork in the dark, anyway...but reading I can do!  Smile  I devour fiction in the dark.  Smile

My phone screen is probably far smaller than a Kindle, and I can tell you, it's perfectly fine for reading.  Not only that, I set it on black with white letters (actually, they look more gray to me) and it doesn't bother my eyes or my head, even when I have a headache.

When I have a bad hot flash where I'm awake enough to do this, I grab my phone and read a bit until the hot flash fades away.  (Sometimes I'm only awake enough to pull off the covers, which leaves me freezing the rest of the night, but at least when I'm awake enough to read, it takes my mind off of sweating.)

So if your son and DIL are offering a free Kindle, I'd say to take it!  Smile  It's also good if you suffer from occasional insomnia, because again, it gets your mind off of the fact that you can't sleep.  And these days, there are so many free books available, you'll probably hardly ever have to pay for one.  I've paid a grand total of - literally - .02 total for two different non-pattern books.  Everything else I got was free.  Seriously, both books (by the same author) were priced at .01 apiece.  Otherwise, though, every last fiction book I have for Kindle was free!

Aren't the free patterns addictive?  Laughing

I had thought there was a free cloud reader...thanks for letting me know!  That also explains friend downloaded a free book from the library, as she doesn't have a computer that's connected to the Internet at home.  Now I know how she did it...just left it on her cloud, and I'm sure she reads a chapter or two here and there.

Please do go back to checking the free listings!  I'm going to put one up for tonight, unless the newest offerings are too meager.  Undecided  I apologize that sometimes I put them up so just depends on what else is going on and when I can get to them.  Embarassed  It's somewhat time consuming...though I do love it.

Math...bleah!  Yes, it's a necessary evil for crochet...but not as bad as taking tests on it, right?!  Laughing

At least if I screw up a pattern, nobody's going to give me a failing grade!  Wink

The V-stitch looks so cool, and I hope you'll take pics at some point.  Smile

Cosplay...I'd heard of it, but didn't know anything about it!  Now that sounds like fun.  I have to look into it.  Thanks for explaining!  I'd seen it typed out and had always meant to find out what it meant, but never got around to it.

Love the Ren Faires!  Years ago, we used to we don't live all that close to anything, so we don't.  Though we never actually wore costumes.  But we used to know a lot of people who were vendors at the various Faires...and I think a good number of them went to TRF, as well.  Do you go there occasionally?  Always such a fun day...though expensive.  Surprised

Can't say I've tried belly dancing...though I've heard it's good exercise and want to try it sometime!  I do love looking at the jewelry for those gorgeous costumes.  Smile

Melanie  (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict.  If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.

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BetwixtTheStitch message #95
Re: Tunisian gauge
November 6, 2013 at 8:27:16 AM  (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #4)
They may have been thinking of gifting a kindle, they both have them and love them.

I devour books as well, fantasy fiction is my fav genre. Though I also have shelves full of educational books too Smile.

Great thing about communicating through the internet is that we can do it at the times that are most convenient for us. Wink So you post a bit late in the day, it's there when I get up, waiting to share my morning coffee .Smile

We have a faire here locally, and yes it's expensive, but the experience of history is priceless.

I also have friends that belly dance, and a couple of friends who teach it. I've never been in a position to take the classes, but the costumes are wonderful. I've learned that there are different kinds, like one friend teaches tribal belly dance.

Math just makes so much more sense when you have a "real" application for it though.
Truth is, school really didn't resemble life at all.

I'll get a pic of my purple sweater at some point, I like the way it's working up. Smile


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Stitchboard Admin message #96
Re: Tunisian gauge
November 6, 2013 at 3:46:51 PM  (in response to BetwixtTheStitch message #5)

Oooh, I hope you get a Kindle, then!  Smile  Let me tell you, there is nothing cooler than being able to quietly grab your "book" and read in the dark!  No need to get up, turn on the light...just press the button and read!  I do that with my phone all the time.  I don't know what I ever did before I had a smartphone...well, sigh, I do remember...I had to either sit up uncomfortably in my office chair and shiver if it was cold in the house or my other choice was to go to bed early and not read at all.  Frown  Not fun either way, especially if I couldn't sleep because it was too early.  I'd just toss and turn, trying to get to sleep.  And forget about hot flashes...sigh...I'd simply have to lay there and sweat.  At least this way, if I'm awake enough, I can think about something besides how much I'm sweating!

I love fantasy fiction!  Smile  I especially enjoy magic, wizards, that kind of stuff.  I really love Harry Potter...and I've found so many other great books like that for Kindle!

I have a dear friend who I'm hoping will publish a fantasy book for Kindle.  He has another one that he wrote and is trying to shop it around traditionally, to agents/publishers, but he sort of gave up on the fantasy book, since it's more of a short story.  I keep trying to tell him he can still publish the short story for Kindle, get some writing cred, and meanwhile shop his novel out the traditional way.  He's really a brilliant writer, and I'm so hoping someone will be smart enough to publish his work!  Smile

I like nonfiction books as well as really depends on the subject, of course.  Smile  I have tons of nonfiction books and fiction for my phone.

Awww, how cool that you can enjoy the freebies over your morning coffee!  Smile  Did you get the free Tunisian book?  I hope it's still free...I haven't looked at it yet, but that one part of the scarf looks like it's done in TKS, so I told my friends to download it!  I want to give a class so my friends who don't know how to crochet can learn, and now I'm also thinking, duh, give a Tunisian class!

The Ren Faires are a blast, aren't they?!  Loved going to them.  If we lived closer now, it might be a big temptation...LOL, I don't know if it's good or bad that gas is so expensive, it's just not a good idea to go very often.  Tongue Out

Do you think you'll get a chance to take belly dancing classes someday?  I really, really want to, but don't know anyone who teaches them, so I'd have to use a DVD.  I did buy one several years ago, though never did use it...LOL, so far.  Supposed to be great exercise and it looks like total fun!  And you're so right about the costumes...gorgeous!

You're absolutely right...the problem with math in school is that unless they specifically teach things like balancing checkbooks or whatever, it doesn't have a real life application.  Frown  LOL, maybe they should teach crochet to teach math!  Hee hee, wouldn't that be a fun thing?!  Laughing

I can't wait to see your purple sweater...and that's one of my fave colors, too!  Smile

Melanie  (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict.  If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.

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BetwixtTheStitch message #97
Re: Tunisian gauge
November 7, 2013 at 9:49:54 AM  (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #6)
The most serendipitous thing happened yesterday. I've been looking at laptops and tablets for a long time, trying to decide if it would be worth the investment to be able to sit in my recliner to type instead of at the desk, because it can be so hard on my back.
Then of course, we started talking about the e reader.

So yesterday a guy from our cable company came by and they were offering a free tablet to new customers who got a specific package. Except I already have it Frown. I commented on how I've been a loyal customer for years, and they offer rewards to new customers.
Well the upshot of it all was that I only have to swap out one channel, and I can get the free tablet .Smile And it will cost less than we are paying now!

Yes! magic, wizards, dragons, and the like. One of my favorite authors is Terry Goodkind and his Sword of Truth series.

I did get the tunisian freebie, and it's a good thing since it's not free today.

GMTA (great minds think alike) again, I've been thinking of offering tunisian classes as well. Wink
I was thinking of ordering several afghan hooks of the same size, then including them in the price of the class. Because they are so hard to find locally.

I have a student who was struggling with standard crochet, I gave her the Susan Bates hook that I didn't like and taught her TSS and TKS in one short sitting! Laughing

I learned how to caculate percentage in order to figure out how to make lotions, I learned decimals by thinking in terms of money, fractions for cooking, etc.
Math is in everything we do, it's not a bunch of numbers and symbols marching across a page. Undecided
It really can be a lot more fun than they make it. Tongue Out
My son tells me I'm doing algebra with all my calculations in crochet, I said "What? That doesn't look anything like all that stuff I couldn't wrap my head around".

I am hoping to one day take  those belly dance classes, I've always wanted to.

At the moment I'm working on rebuilding my strength and stamina. It's been a long road, and I only see the progress when I look back. Taking that class will help tremendously towards that goal.


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Stitchboard Admin message #98
Re: Tunisian gauge
November 7, 2013 at 10:12:25 PM  (in response to BetwixtTheStitch message #7)

Wow, that's wonderful news!  I'm so happy for you!  Smile

There's no better price than free, and I love that the guy appreciated your loyalty to the company...and even better that it costs you less...and you're getting a tablet!  Smile

I've never heard of Terry Goodkind...that series sounds terrific!  Smile

The series I'm enjoying is by Melissa Gunther, starting with "The Book in the Attic."  Such excellent writing!

I'm so happy that you got the Tunisian freebie.  Some things remain free for a few days...but I think that one only ran for about 2 days, sigh.  Frown  It's even worse when I've found something for free, don't get to it right away, then go back to download it and the price has gone back up before I could.  Yell

How neat to offer the hooks with a class...can you get bulk hooks like that?

Aww, TSS, TKS and a hook...and I hope that helped ease her struggles with regular crochet, as well?

You're right...math is involved in pretty much everything, sigh.  And yes, I completely can be made a lot more fun than it is in school.

LOL, it is algebra...but bleah, who wants to even think of it that way?  It's math.  That's it.  I think it makes it more boring and intimidating to think of it as algebra, even if that's what it is.

GMTA once more...I've always wanted to take belly dancing lessons, too!  Smile

Oh, no, have you been ill?  Cry  It's so hard to bounce back after anything, and I really think the older we get, the harder it is.  Frown  I think it would be wonderful to get some help with that from a belly dancing class, not to mention fun...because it always looks like so much fun!  Smile

Melanie  (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict.  If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.

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BetwixtTheStitch message #99
Re: Tunisian gauge
November 8, 2013 at 9:50:52 AM  (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #8)
I can purchase several of the same size at retail, I'm not in a position to meet the minimum purchase requirements to buy them wholesale, sadly.

But I was thinking that it would just be easier for a student to pay for it with the class than to try and locate it on thier own. The difficulty alone might be enough to discourage some.

Yes it did help her Smile, once she had success with those stitches, she was suddenly able to work standard crochet.

It's amazing to me to learn that it is algebra Laughing, I struggled sooooo much with math of any kind. I didn't learn algebra, failed it all the way through school. What saved me was that my reading comprehension was so high that everything else was easy to learn just by reading.
Numbers and letters together don't make sense to my brain. Yell
Until we put it to real life use, apparantly.

I've not been "ill" per se, it's just that I'm not good at taking care of myself and I waited years before seeing a chiro.  Waited until I could barely do anything, it's amazing how quickly we can lose muscle tone and how hard it is to get back.

So mostly I focus on the goal of where I want to be, like being able to take those classes. Smile I'm sure that it would be  fun and therpeutic.


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Stitchboard Admin message #100
Re: Tunisian gauge
November 8, 2013 at 4:19:04 PM  (in response to BetwixtTheStitch message #9)

Argh, I imagine you'd probably have to buy a lot of the hooks to get wholesale prices.  Yell

True...if you're a "one stop shop," they can purchase and you can work it into the price, and thus, guarantee they'll have what they need.  That also guarantees they'll be able to take the idea!

I'm so glad she could transition from Tunisian to standard crochet!  I'll have to remember that.  One of my friends is having trouble and I want to teach I'm thinking of starting her off with Tunisian!  Smile

Unfortunately, they really don't teach math as real life applications.  Cry  And honestly, it also depends on the teacher.  I've taken classes with some great teachers and didn't have a tremendous problem, then have taken classes with lousy teachers.  The lousy teachers, of course, had me searching for tutoring.  Cry

I took a class in college with a professor who was so hard to understand (English wasn't her native language); one day she left us alone in the room with evaluation forms, and when we got to the question of understanding explanations, sadly, we all looked at each other and said, "I can't understand much of what she says."  I definitely sought out tutoring that semester.  I remember sitting with the tutor, and he was saying, "You do get this," but I was so confused nonetheless.  Frown

I started choosing classes by professor, not by what I needed.  Matter of fact, I found a wonderful instructor who was an assistant professor, I think (e.g., not a full professor), and her notes were so good, I not only understood every word, but when I went back to study for what she called a "pre-final," I did so well on it, and then the final was no biggie!

Sad to say, she was a rarity.  Cry  Math is undoubtedly very hard to teach, but a good teacher can get through that and make it understandable!

I actually couldn't figure out why any of the students couldn't do well in that aforementioned class...she gave you everything you needed!  I don't remember anymore, but it may well have been that the tests were open notes, too, so if you had good notes, you were okay to go.  Smile  And yet people struggled big time.  They did poorly on the pre-final and the wasn't easy, but as long as you had good notes and a basic understanding, it was no problem...LOL, and I'm pretty math-resistant!  Laughing

It really is easy to lose muscle tone.  We're currently very limited here, so I try to do what I can...but it's so hard to get back to what was once so easy.  Frown  I don't envy you...though I wish we lived close, as I would adore a workout buddy...wouldn't it be great to be able to talk crochet while working out!

I agree...the classes do sound fun and therapeutic!  Smile

Melanie  (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict.  If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.

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BetwixtTheStitch message #101
Re: Tunisian gauge
November 9, 2013 at 9:50:26 AM  (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #10)
I believe that my own math struggles are a right/left brain thing. My young creative brain just couldn't "get it", so my mind would take off to other places. Wink

Even in college, math was my downfall. My trick for passing my certification exam was to do everything but the math portion first, then go back and sweat over the math. It worked, then once I started working, it just all fell in to place by simply doing it everyday.

Not just crochet, we seem to have a lot of things in common. Laughing


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Stitchboard Admin message #102
Re: Tunisian gauge
November 9, 2013 at 9:06:14 PM  (in response to BetwixtTheStitch message #11)

Sigh, it's not hard for the mind to take off to other places when it comes to math...particularly when young.  I did okay in it, but math class was still so torturous to me.  Frown  Where did your mind go?  I could swear mine went to Hawaii...maybe we met there back then and didn't even realize it!  Laughing

Obviously, leaving the math for last and then sweating over it for your exams was the smart thing to do!  Smile  You got done with the parts you knew you'd be able to do, then that undoubtedly maximized your time for getting into the, ugh, math.  Tongue Out

IMO, doing the math every day as part of whatever you have to do is the only way.  I get rusty at things I don't do all the time.  If I didn't need math for the usual everyday things or for crocheting/knitting, I'd get rusty at that, too.

We do have a lot in common, don't we?!  Kiss  I love how you enjoy the same reading materials I do!  Smile

Melanie  (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict.  If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.

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BetwixtTheStitch message #103
Re: Tunisian gauge
November 10, 2013 at 10:11:55 AM  (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #12)
Yes! Palm trees, white sand, and blue, blue waters. I made up a story of some kids shipwrecked on an island ,most of which I don't remember now. Wink

There were so many places and times I would go. I still use some of those places I created, for meditation. Laughing

Rusty, yes. Good way to put it. Though I'm not sure my math was ever "shiny and new", because it's still falling into place for me.
Like the whole idea that I'm using algebra just came up recently, so when I'm doing it now, I see it in a whole different light. Smile


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Stitchboard Admin message #104
Re: Tunisian gauge
November 10, 2013 at 5:12:10 PM  (in response to BetwixtTheStitch message #13)

Ah, may have been the same place...except I wasn't shipwrecked...I was drinking the non-alcoholic equivalent of Mai Tais (because I was too young to drink back then!).  Wink

Meditation can be very helpful.  I got away from it in later years, but I really should go was sooooo relaxing!  It helps tremendously to have a beautiful place in mind.  I had never been to Hawaii back then...but that's where I would always imagine being!  Smile  I had a particular spot on the beach, perfectly shaded by a palm tree.  Wink

Yes, math is still falling into place for me, too.  Undecided  I get pushed into it by doing things like crochet, sometimes still kicking and screaming about it.

Speaking of crochet...I picked up the candy corn hat again (kitty's going to at least try cosplay! Laughing), and while my original thought was to go around the ears, I realized it might be harder to get it on her little head that way.  I'm thinking of just going side to side...have a thin section of the sl st ribbing and am hoping that will be enough...but it really has to be made for each critter's head, because they're all going to measure differently.

I'm sure this will be torture, too.  Frown  Her head will be heavily dragging on the floor like the hat is filled with bricks for the few seconds she'll be wearing it, until we take it off of her because she doesn't like it.  Oh, well, I love my little girl and don't want to torture her!

Also made a decision on that sweatshirt know the dumb "crop top" I mentioned?  I'm going to probably have to go with a smaller hook to pull the yarn through...meh, no problem.

At least it will be nice to have another sweatshirt!  Geeze, but first I have to find/invent some dishcloth patterns for gifts...I don't want that one surprising me.  LOL, did I mention?  Hubby said he was going to see some of the people this month, as in before the 15th.  As you can probably imagine, I had a few choice words about that, because I am not giving holiday gifts over a month early!  It will either start maybe around 2 weeks before the holidays, at most, and go until after.  In the case of two people (but not the ones hubby was talking about), that's Hanukkah, anyway...and that starts the day before Thanksgiving...but that's the exception, and as I said, none of the people hubby is talking about are Jewish.  So my Hanukkah gifts may be a bit late...hopefully not...but maybe I'll be ready by then.

Not sure what I'm going to do yet...a different design for at least three out of four of the gifts, since the three are all from kind of the same extended family.  Smile

Of course, at least one must be TKS!  I don't know about all of them, just because I do want the different family members to have different items.  Smile

Melanie  (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict.  If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.

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Posts: 575
BetwixtTheStitch message #105
Re: Tunisian gauge
November 11, 2013 at 12:12:15 PM  (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #14)
I was thinking that too, about how there are so many different sizes of critters.
I hope kitty isn't too upset with her cosplay. Cry

I'm with you on not giving the holiday gifts that early, I'd end up feeling like I had to come up with another gift in Dec. as well.

I have friends who celebrate Yule, but at least that's only a few days difference.

I've finished the Spa set for one close friend, and several dishcloths for others.
I'm mixing them up, so a set will have different designs but all in the same color scheme, keeps me from getting bored. Wink

I also made a dish towel in straight TSS, plain, but does the job well enough.

The sweater for my granddaughter is almost finished, her hubby will be home soon, yay. Smile

I know I'm forgetting some people I need to make things for, time to actually write it down. Undecided Probably because I can't wait to get started playing with those cute critter patterns.


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