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Hello Everyone!!
2570 views   3 replies   Latest reply: November 4, 2018 at 3:56:05 AM

Member since:
Nov 2, 2018
Posts: 2
VirgilA message #1
Hello Everyone!!
November 2, 2018 at 12:21:17 PM
Hello Everyone!!
 I wanted to started off by saying how happy I am that I came across this community forum. I feel like I'm right at home when I go through the site. I just joined today so I'm new new to the community. I'm going to tell you my story I hope it don't make you bored or sound like a bunch of blah!! blah!! to ya'll..
 My name is Virgil and I'm 35 yrs old. I live in Ann arbor, Michigan there isn't many local craft groups locally that I know of. I just go married August 2018 to my soulmate sent from God. He's such an amazing man. Always supportive and loving. He's truly a gift sent to me from God. I can't express with any about of words here to explain the love we have for on another. 

I started messing around with crocheting when I was like 10 or 11 years old I thought I could make anything knowing how to do just the single crochet stitch that my Aunt had taught me lmao. Then she taught me how to do a Granny Square and from that moment on I fell in love with it. I just started messing arounf with Tunisian Crochet a couple months back. I've not figured any of the stitches out yet. But I do know it's caught my interest!! I'm here beause I want to learn as much as I can .

The one thing I would like to know from all of you guy's and gals here is "Which books,sites,videos,software anything along the lines of crochet and Tunisian Crochet knitting did you guy's watch, read or maybe use to start you guy's off. 
I was wondering is there a stitch guide in this community or how to Threads here haven't looked around much like I said I just joined today. 

I hope that I didn't go on and on and make your ears bleed lmao ... I have a good feeling about this community. I feel like I'm at home and share the thoughts and ideas like many of you ya'll do.

So here's to a great Future and Friendship with ya'll.

Hopefully, Someone will come across my thread and be able to guide me in the right direction.

Virgil A

Virgil A
"May the Divine spirits always send you good vibes, guide you on the correct path in life. And may God bless you with many blessings"

Look at that smile! (Photo guaranteed unretouched)
Member since:
Jul 1, 2009
Posts: 4594
Stitchboard Admin message #2
Re: Hello Everyone!!
November 2, 2018 at 8:23:11 PM  (in response to VirgilA message #1)
Welcome! Smile
Congratulations on meeting your soul mate! KissKissKiss Love is such a precious and wonderful thing! KissKissKiss And thanks for posting the pic of the two of you...LOVE! KissKissKiss
No's always so nice to hear about people's lives...nope, ears are definitely not bleeding. Kiss
I don't have a specific site or anything that I use. When I have a question about something, I check out YouTube by searching directly for what I'm interested in. But then, I'm older than dirt Laughing and learned crochet ages ago, before there was a YouTube or even, gasp, an Internet! SurprisedLaughing So I learned it all from books. (Oh, noes! Laughing) That's why I don't have a specific reference.
But you're definitely in luck, because BetwixtTheStitch on this site is an expert in Tunisian, so I'll see if she has any ideas on sites or videos, etc. Kiss
And ANYTIME you have questions or just want to talk crochet, knitting, anything, that would be great! Kiss Love to hear from other like-minded glad you found us! Kiss

Melanie  (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict.  If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.

Member since:
Jul 3, 2013
Posts: 575
BetwixtTheStitch message #3
Re: Hello Everyone!!
November 3, 2018 at 9:09:10 AM  (in response to VirgilA message #1)
Hey there Virgil, welcome.
I'm Sherry, but I'm older than dirt, as well. I learned tunisian a pretty long time ago, way back when we called it afghan stitches.
Tunisian is pretty simple, if you can sc you can do tunisian.
The best tip I can give you is, use a larger hook. I know all the young gurus say to go at least 2 sizes larger, but that is still going to create a pretty stiff piece. I go much larger, at least 8-10mm for a worsted weight (4 in US terms).
I don't have specific guides either, but for now just learn the basic stitches (simple, purl, knit, and honeycomb). I'm sure you can Google videos, I don't have the patience for videos.
I have made posts on how to do tunisian in the round, like for hats. Also another post on how to do tunisian cables. In the tunisian section of the crochet boards.
This is a picture of my latest piece, done in tunisian knit stitch (TKS) with cables.
The background is a tunisian entrelac throw, I'm also working on.


Look at that smile! (Photo guaranteed unretouched)
Member since:
Jul 1, 2009
Posts: 4594
Stitchboard Admin message #4
Re: Hello Everyone!!
November 4, 2018 at 3:56:05 AM  (in response to BetwixtTheStitch message #3)
Thank you...sage advice, for sure! Kiss
And the cowl is divine! Kiss

Melanie  (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict.  If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.

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