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Picking up color when area should be white?
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michaelalarue1999 message #1
Picking up color when area should be white?
December 29, 2017 at 3:29:23 AM

I'm trying to make a word only crochet pattern from this image.  The original image I use for input is 4000x4135 with 144 ppi resolution.  I had to resize it to insert it here.

I have converted this image numerous times now and the program is putting a few stitches of blue and/or green where there should be white.  I finally tweeked all the variables and increased the original image size and got these errant colors down to a minimum but cannot rid the pattern of them completely.  With everything I tried I either get much more of these color stitches where there shouldn't be or only 3 of the 4 colors (without the unwanted color stitches) I select from the palette to use.

I'm including 2 screen prints (partial pages) for you to look at from the pattern results I get. 

The first page:


Part of the beginning of the pattern:


These errant stitches begin to occur in row 1.  The colors green & bright turquoise medium are not supposed to be there.  Those stitches should be white and are white in the image.  Green is only used as the background surrounding the tiger and bright turquoise medium is only supposed to be used for the eyes.

This is not the only pattern I've had this occur with.  It actually happens in most conversions I do.  Most times I can tweek it down but as I said I can never completely rid the pattern of them.

Can you provide me with some guidance as to how to completely rid a pattern of this happening?



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Stitchboard Admin message #2
Re: Picking up color when area should be white?
December 29, 2017 at 5:08:50 AM  (in response to michaelalarue1999 message #1)

As this is a technical issue (I can tell you all about crochet, but not computer programming!) I've alerted Terry (Support) to your issue.

What I do know is there's a known problem with stray colors that will be fixed in the next build; beyond that, I don't have the expertise to answer your question, which is why I've forwarded it to Terry. Smile

Melanie  (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
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michaelalarue1999 message #3
Picking up color when area should be white?
December 29, 2017 at 10:01:45 AM  (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #2)
Thanks so much for letting me know!  I'm totally with you when it comes to crochet vs. computer stuff.  I hope what I'm experiencing is part of that issue.  That way I can redo the ones I'm having problems with.  I look forward to Terry's response.

Oh, I think I forgot to mention that I do try using the stray pixel option but even that doesn't take care of the problem completely either.



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Stitchboard Support message #4
Re: Picking up color when area should be white?
December 29, 2017 at 11:56:31 PM  (in response to michaelalarue1999 message #1)

Hi.  The current version does have an issue regarding color choosing.  I have corrected it in the next version that will be turned on in the next few weeks.

Let me look through your notes (thanks for all this!) and I'll get back you tomorrow regarding if I think this is related to the problem that I fixed.  I may have you try testing the next version to see if it helps you.


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michaelalarue1999 message #5
Re: Picking up color when area should be white?
December 30, 2017 at 10:45:08 AM  (in response to Stitchboard Support message #4)

Thanks so much for your reply!  I look forward to hearing your opinion.  I'd be happy to try out this issue with the new build before release if you think that might help you.  I see this problem quite a bit with my pattern conversions but it just so happens to be an issue with this one as it is a special request for a long-time cleint who has some cognitive issues.  I give clients directions on the pattern with how to handle these errant stitches when crafting the item, but this client has trouble following them at times (it's actually quite easy to correct with the instructions I currently give them).  I plan on updating all the affected charts if this is part of the problem corrected with the yet to be released new build.


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Stitchboard Support message #6
Re: Picking up color when area should be white?
December 31, 2017 at 12:12:09 AM  (in response to michaelalarue1999 message #5)

I do have a comment and 2 questions.

First, I always suggest using a pre-sized image that ideally is the number of pixels across that matches the desired number of stitches across.  Sending an image that's 4000 pixels across and having the program reduce it to a much smaller figure will certainly introduce unwanted colors.  This is just a byproduct of re-sizing.  So if you want your pattern to be 300 stitches across, ideally re-size your image to 300 pixels across before sending it to the PatternWizard.  This also allows you to be sure the image you send is as clean as possible.

One question is whether you're manually selecting the desired colors.  The update I'll be turning on soon corrects a problem relating to manual colors.

My other question is what type of image are you sending to the program?  (.jpg, .gif, etc.)


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December 31, 2017 at 12:22:31 PM  (in response to Stitchboard Support message #6)
This message has been removed.

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michaelalarue1999 message #8
Re: Picking up color when area should be white?
December 31, 2017 at 2:11:05 PM  (in response to Stitchboard Support message #6)
I did write a full reply but I tried to edit it and it all disappeared when I tried to post the edit. So here goes:

I did resize the image to 214 wide x 221 high at 144 ppi.  I need the width to be 214 stitches.  The original version of this image was roughly 500 pixels but I can't remember exactly and it grew as I started tweeking options then pixel size.

Yes, I manually choose my colors.  I am finding that allowing the program to choose for me produces a range of results that are unsuitable for my use.  Usually I see colors that do not highlight the design elements to my liking, more/less colors, errant colors, and/or mismatched colors.

This particular image is a png but I also use jpg.

All of the following trials used the full switchboard palette, auto pixel=stitches, color sensitivity at preset 20, max smoothness, and light stray pixel cleanup.  Any deviations will be noted...

This test was manual color choice of the 4 shown on the pdf screenprints.  Errant colors begin in row 1.  However color matching is correct otherwise.



Just out of curiosity I then flipped the image 90 & manually chose colors to see what would happen: still errant colors...

Next test used unlimited auto selection of palette for an image that only contains 4 colors.  I know it is only 4 colors as I created the png myself. 55 colors from that 4 color image?  but also check out how the pdf came out...

Then I decided to limit the auto selection from palette to 4 colors.  Far more errant colors than other tries.  Also color mismatches.  The white came out with the blues from the palette and the green it used is the kelly green but it has a color in the palette that is just green (I manually choose it) that is lighter and closer to what I used in the image...

I did one more thing to the image and tried these tests again...results to be continued...  Thanks,  Kathy


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michaelalarue1999 message #9
Re: Picking up color when area should be white?
December 31, 2017 at 2:35:47 PM  (in response to Stitchboard Support message #6)
Hi again Terry...

Test results continued...

I now reduced the ppi resolution to what it was originally (at 72ppi) and tired the tests again.  I used all the same parameters as in the previous message for each test...

Manual choice of 4 a quick glance it looks exact to the 144 ppi resolution testing...

Rotate image...same results as 144 ppi...

Then the unlimited auto color select.  Again same results 55 colors...will probably hold true for the last one as well...we'll see...

And finally, let limited to 4 auto color select full switchboard palette.  Same result with errant colors...

Not sure if there is anything else but if you have more suggestions, please let me know.

Thanks again!



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Stitchboard Support message #10
Re: Picking up color when area should be white?
January 1, 2018 at 10:15:28 PM  (in response to michaelalarue1999 message #9)

Wow!  Thanks for all the input.  Like I said before, the version that's live right now does have some instances where choosing manual colors does not work properly.  I fixed it in the next version.

Again, let me go through all your input.  One other thing I can try if you're open to it.  If you can send me your original image via email (posting it here in the Community will not work the same), I can run it through the existing software that's live now and I should get the same incorrect results as you're showing.

Then I can run it through the next version and be sure it's fixed.  If not, I can be sure to address it right away.  Also like I mentioned before, there are something like 20 fixes and updates in the next version.  Several are in beading but the manual color choosing problem happens across all the stitch types and I did fix that.

So let me know if you would be willing to send a copy of your original image and I'll email you.  You can then reply to my email and attach your image.  I'll then let you know the results of my testing.  If the next version does fix your issue, I'll make it so you can access it before I make it live.  I still have a couple updates to do with it but they're both in the beading area so you could use it right away if it fixes your issue.


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michaelalarue1999 message #11
Re: Picking up color when area should be white?
January 2, 2018 at 12:53:01 PM  (in response to Stitchboard Support message #10)
Hi Terry,

You know, sending the image to you to compare results might prove interesting results.  I'll certainly be happy to do that.  Just email address is in the profile and is correct.  All I need to know is do you want the 214 pixel, the full 4000 pixel or both?  Perhaps both would allow you to check results in size reduction by the program since on my end both sizes ended up with errant colors...

Thanks a bunch!


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Stitchboard Support message #12
Picking up color when area should be white?
January 3, 2018 at 11:22:29 PM  (in response to michaelalarue1999 message #11)

Ok.  Yes, please send me both.  I just sent you an email with a subject line relating to the freePatternWizard.

By the way, Happy Birthday!


“If you can dream it, you can do it.
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michaelalarue1999 message #13
Picking up color when area should be white?
January 4, 2018 at 3:39:35 PM  (in response to Stitchboard Support message #12)
Sent them! And thanks for the birthday wishes!  Have a great weekend!  Oh, in case it matters, as it sometimes does wih MAC, I run macOS High Sierra,  v. 10.13.2


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Stitchboard Support message #14
Re: Picking up color when area should be white?
January 4, 2018 at 7:39:18 PM  (in response to michaelalarue1999 message #13)

Thanks!  I got your images.  Give me a couple days and I'll look at them.


“It's kind of fun to do the impossible.
Walt Disney

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michaelalarue1999 message #15
Re: Picking up color when area should be white?
January 4, 2018 at 9:27:27 PM  (in response to Stitchboard Support message #14)
That's fine...have other things to do myself at the moment.  Dealing with this horrible freezing weather is one!  Have a good weekend!


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