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WIPs (Works In Progress)
> Newest Batman blanket
Newest Batman blanket
17983 views 20 replies
Latest reply: January 29, 2017 at 3:30:30 AM
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message #1
Newest Batman blanket
October 19, 2016 at 9:23:28 AM
Halfway point, and it's finally starting to look like something.
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message #2
Re: Newest Batman blanket
October 20, 2016 at 5:04:56 AM (in response to BetwixtTheStitch message #1)
That sure does look like's very recognizable!
That's going to be one lucky recipient!
Melanie (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict. If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.
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message #3
Re: Newest Batman blanket
December 27, 2016 at 8:04:11 AM (in response to BetwixtTheStitch message #1)
I am new to this and am trying to figure out how to use the graphs. Once i create a pattern how do i know what stitches i need to use to make the blanket?
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message #4
Re: Newest Batman blanket
December 28, 2016 at 2:23:17 AM (in response to Sthon10478 message #3)
If you've chosen a "standard stitch," this is a single crochet if you're in the US and a double crochet if you're in the UK. (Because of the difference between the two, we call it "standard stitch.")
Tunisian is using Tunisian crochet and filet is filet crochet.
Since you're new, I'm guessing you've chosen the "standard stitch."
Melanie (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict. If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.
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message #5
Re: Newest Batman blanket
December 29, 2016 at 10:58:11 AM (in response to BetwixtTheStitch message #1)
Oh my G O D..
This is AMAZING Sherry..
My patience is not for this kind of work.. Wish it was though.. I have a Spiderman obsessed 4 year old, and a Captain America obsessed 5 year old... Sigh...
I will continue my stuffed animals :p
- Line -
Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid!
- Albert Einstein
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message #6
Re: Newest Batman blanket
December 30, 2016 at 3:33:13 AM (in response to Aabye message #5)
Sherry is amazing...but then so are you with your stuffed animals!
Melanie (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict. If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.
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message #7
Re: Newest Batman blanket
December 30, 2016 at 8:10:55 AM (in response to Aabye message #5)
Thank you so much.
When my kids were young, I wouldn't have been able to concentrate on something like that either, I did the stuffed toys and such in the couple of hours after they went to bed.
But the kids are all grown now, and some of the grandkids are grown, with babies of their own. I have the time.
This one has been finished and sent off to it's new home, for yet another grand baby due in just a few days.
Here is the finished pic I got while blocking it.
Look at that smile! (Photo guaranteed unretouched)
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message #8
Re: Newest Batman blanket
December 31, 2016 at 1:47:26 AM (in response to BetwixtTheStitch message #7)
DAY-um, that looks spectacularl!
Melanie (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict. If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.
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message #9
Re: Newest Batman blanket
December 31, 2016 at 8:52:47 AM (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #8)
Thank you, thank you Melanie.
I am pretty day-um proud of this one.
Look at that smile! (Photo guaranteed unretouched)
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message #10
Re: Newest Batman blanket
January 1, 2017 at 4:48:24 AM (in response to BetwixtTheStitch message #9)
And as you day-um well should be!
Melanie (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict. If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.
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Mar 27, 2014
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message #11
Re: Newest Batman blanket
January 16, 2017 at 2:17:28 PM (in response to BetwixtTheStitch message #7)
It's amazing.. Daaaaaaamn..
What if I were to order a spiderman one and a cap. america one.. LOL
No just kidding..
Or am I..
Marcus (my oldest) walked by, saw the blanket, and shouted: "MUM I WAN'T ONE LIKE THAT, BUT WITH CAP. AMERICA ON IT!"...
- Line -
Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid!
- Albert Einstein
Look at that smile! (Photo guaranteed unretouched)
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message #12
Re: Newest Batman blanket
January 17, 2017 at 5:19:57 AM (in response to Aabye message #11)
LOL, perhaps this site isn't exactly child-friendly...for very unusual reasons!
Seriously, just a could crochet a basic solid-color blanket and do the design in cross stitching. It wouldn't look exactly the same, but it would still look nice.
Melanie (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict. If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.
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Jul 3, 2013
Posts: 575
message #13
Newest Batman blanket
January 17, 2017 at 8:12:25 AM (in response to Aabye message #11)
, seriously though the easiest way would be what Melanie suggested. Many years ago that's how we did it, just work up an afghan in tunisian (afghan stitch) and then cross stitch on the squares. You can even get a lot more detail in with cross stitch, too.
The lettering on this one is cross stitched, just to give you an idea of the look.
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Mar 27, 2014
Posts: 476
message #14
Re: Newest Batman blanket
January 17, 2017 at 1:08:01 PM (in response to BetwixtTheStitch message #13)
No.. Not very kid friendly.. At least not very #parents-that-has-kids-with-long-eyes-friendly.." Damnit.. :p
Yeah.. I COULD crochet a basic blanket, and cross stitch the stuff on it.. But that is not very likely to happen either.. :p I am soooo lazy when it comes to blankets and such... So much work.. It borres me :/
I didn't even notice the difference to be honest.. :p
- Line -
Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid!
- Albert Einstein
Look at that smile! (Photo guaranteed unretouched)
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Jul 1, 2009
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Stitchboard Admin
message #15
Re: Newest Batman blanket
January 18, 2017 at 5:42:35 AM (in response to Aabye message #14)
Maybe teach the kids to crochet for themselves?
They could really get to working on your WIPs, which could cut it way down so you can add more to it...
Always thinkin'!
I hear you...large projects like blankets, especially with just a basic single crochet stitch or a Tunisian stitch, can get so boring so fast.
Teaching the kids to crochet their own things is sounding better and better, right?
Melanie (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict. If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.
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