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Aabye message #1
March 23, 2016 at 2:12:37 AM
I'm thinking about a new small project. I have simply lost the interest for the big projects currently on the hook.. 

Anyhow.. I was thinking about making som coasters.. I am sick and tired of having to sand down my living room table (is made from oak, and it get's stains easily when people at putting their beverages down on it)..

I like these. They look like they are fun, and quick to make :p 
I just wan't other colors..
Pattern here^^



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Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid!
- Albert Einstein 

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Stitchboard Admin message #2
March 23, 2016 at 4:00:42 AM  (in response to Aabye message #1)

These are really cute!  Kiss  I think you should make can match the colors to your decor!  Kiss  And they'd be perfect for keeping beverages from staining your table.

How is school going?  I hope all is well with you!  Kiss

Remember the guy we know with the husky?  Spoke to his mom today and she said the dog was destroying everything.  Cry  So, sadly, he ultimately couldn't train the dog as he needed to, so the dog is now with a friend of his who hopefully has more time and patience to work with him and train him properly.

I'm not surprised, and nothing against the guy...I think someone has to be really, really special (like you! Kiss) to have the right amount of patience to train a husky.  I know I couldn't do it!


Melanie  (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict.  If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.

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Aabye message #3
Re: Coasters
March 23, 2016 at 6:13:19 AM  (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #2)

They are really cute Cheesy I love them.. So I'll have to buy some yarn for them.. I don't think I have any cotton lying around in the house in the colors I want..

Maybe I should make them in different colors so people will know which glass is theirs.. I don't know yet.. I'll have to look into that..

School is school.. Getting real tired of it.. Just had some "midterm" exams.. Really just one.. I haven't gotten word yet if I have passed or not.. Getting real nervous now.. It was math, so I'm pretty sure I sucked.. :/

Oh god.. Sorry for the guy with the husky..
They do tend to destroy almost everything when under stimulated or borred.. Or both.. I'm going through that phase with Silver.. God she's driving me crazy right now.. She's really difficult - it's so hard to find the perfect training method for her, and especially finding the right amount for her.. 

She have also decided to go back to the puppy phase of life, where she suddently isn't clean anymore.. She's urinating all over the house when we don't have an eye on her.. And when she is home alone, even if its just for half an hour.. WTF!?
She have also decided to go on adventures by herself.. She simply just jumps my fence.. -.-' *facepalm* stupid dog.. 
Luckily she still come when called - which is the best thing ever.. 

I hope your "friends" huskies new family knows how to care for such a dog.. They are a real joy to have around when properly trained..

How are you though all of this mess with everything?

I'm sending warm thoughts your way.


- Line -

Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid!
- Albert Einstein 

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Stitchboard Admin message #4
Re: Coasters
March 24, 2016 at 3:47:01 AM  (in response to Aabye message #3)

Sounds like you must go shopping for yarn in different colors!  I see new yarn in your future...  Wink

That's a really cute idea, to make them in different colors so everyone knows which coaster their glass is on!  Kiss

I bet you did far better than you think on your math exam.  Kiss  You're so smart!  Kiss

It's sad, but I kind of had a feeling the dog wasn't going to last with this guy.  He's very sweet, but he's young and I don't think he quite realized what he was getting himself into.  Cry

Oh, no, Silver really is doing a number!  Cry  Sounds like she's testing you quite a bit.  You know, I saw the picture of her sitting on you...soooooooo cute!  Kiss  Though you probably didn't think it was quite as cute at the time!

And the urinating on the floor...that's the worst!  That smell lingers, even after you clean it up.  Cry  I know someone who had that with her dogs when their training was interrupted with a situation that left them with no training for much too long.  So they didn't learn and they stunk up the entire house.  Cry  All of the floors had to be redone.

And then Silver is jumping the fence?  Surprised  Man, sounds like she's getting worse than a kid!

So glad she does listen when she's being called...LOL, and hopefully not just for food?

I'm also hoping our friend's friend is good with training the dog.  He really was a beautiful boy, but you could tell he was always raring to go, and not necessarily in a good way.  Nervous energy.  Like he would rather have been doing other things, and if he couldn't get the challenges he needed, he was going to invent some, sigh.  Cry

Thank you so much, hon.  Kiss  Your thoughts are greatly appreciated!  Kiss  It's going...just trying to get through everything as well as possible.  And of course in the middle of everything...we had the flu, ugh, despite getting flu shots last fall.

Hope all is going well with you.  Kiss  How are things going with the house, boyfriend, etc?  Kiss  How are the kids doing?  Kiss

BTW, I don't see them as often as I'd like, but when I do see your pics, they're sooooooo great!  Kiss  You're very photogenic and your pictures turn out soooooo beautifully, and, well the dogs' do, too!  Kiss

Lots of hugs and warm thoughts going right back your way.  Kiss

Melanie  (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict.  If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.

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Mar 27, 2014
Posts: 476
Aabye message #5
Re: Coasters
March 29, 2016 at 3:52:06 AM  (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #4)

Need more yarn.. Not addicted to it though :p I admit to nothing..

Got the exam back.. Only got a C... I was soooo nervous, that I forgot half of what I needed to do in it.. Not good.. -.-'
Sooooooo stressed..
I'm deffinitely making a paper of some kind, with all of the assignments can be in the actual exam. With examples, and results.. Gotta help myself :p haha

Silver is an asshat. :p She's really a pain in the ass right now..
Yes, she's really testing my patiense.
Hahaha, the picture of her sitting on me.. :p I don't know what happened that day, she kept jumping on my lap the little bugger.. When I took her down, she jumped right back up.

Urgh, the urinating.. Luckily I have something at home that takes the smell right out of everything.. It's brilliant for removing the smell.. No matter what smell.. You can even use it in the washer to remove smell from sportswear and so.

She's only coming when called because she knows I have food.. She loves food.. Lucky me..

An yes the fence.. Putting a higher fence up next month.. A much higher fence.. Stupid dog.. I have to tie her up to a pole in the middle of the yard.. I don't like it, but at least she's not jumping the fence running out in the road.. 
I can't and won't keep her in.. She loves to be outside, especially now with all the smells..  

Not doing great here either..
The house has not went up for sale yet.. My ex is an asshat who now doesn't wanna spend time with the kids.. (will PM you with details)..

But the kids are great.. They have just been on a 4 day easter holliday at their grandparents.. They went to Legoland, when they were there.. They had a blast.

Boyfriend is work.. Gotta mold the guy as I want him.. :p LOL no.. No no no.. :p
He hasn't been in a serious relationship in a very very long time, so he's a bit.. Ehhh... Rusty? Can you even use that phrase on a human beeing?

Hugs - and thanks for the warm thoughts.. Smiley  

- Line -

Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid!
- Albert Einstein 

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Stitchboard Admin message #6
Re: Coasters
March 30, 2016 at 1:45:33 AM  (in response to Aabye message #5)

No, absolutely not...neither of us are addicted to yarn!  Wink  But we do need it.  Necessity does not addiction make.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

I'm so sorry you didn't do as well as you would have liked on the exam.  Cry  That sounds like an ingenious idea with the paper, though.  It reminds me of what one of the teachers (she wasn't a full professor yet) did at my college for a final exam, which I found helpful and would have found helpful for other tests, too.  She gave a pre-final and then a final.  The pre-final made the information so fresh in my mind, the final was a breeze!  And this was...calculus, I think.  Or pre-calc?  Sigh, I don't remember, but you get the idea.  It really, really helped.  I don't think she counted the pre-final grade, just the final.

Well, Silver looked soooooooooo cute in that pic!  Kiss  I know she's trying your patience, though and I hope she stops that soon.  I'm sure you don't need the added stress of what she's doing!  Cry

I'm so glad you have that product for removing smell!  We've never found anything great here.  There's something called Nature's Miracle and my bestie swears by it, but Nature's Miracle hasn't helped us all that much.  We bought some years ago to use on our fridge, which had the absolute worst smells, after we'd had our first flood.  The problem was that we had so much work to do, we didn't know the refrigerator should have been the very first thing cleaned out, so it waited a couple of weeks.  By then, the stink of all of the rotted food had saturated the insulation.  It was a goner.  Literally, for the first 4 months after the flood, we had no fridge at all.  The Nature's Miracle did nothing.  Cry

It was also a shame because it was a fairly large side by side, and we'd torn out entire cabinets to get it into the place.  We ended up later with a much smaller conventional upright refrigerator, and it was awful from day one.

Wonder if the stuff you have would have taken care of it, sigh.  Not that it matters now, as we dumped that fridge ages ago.  And then the horrible replacement one was on its way out when we were ready to move, so we had to dump it.

It really does sound like a good thing that Silver likes food!  She sounds like our cat!

Hope it goes well with the higher fence and she doesn't find a way to get out.  I can understand why you wouldn't want to keep her in all the time, and of course you don't want to tie her to a pole in the middle of the yard, but she's not giving you any choice with her fence jumping!  Cry  Better to keep her safe tied up like that.

I'm so sorry the ex is being a jerk.  Cry  You deserve far better treatment.

Wow, that sure does sound like a fun!  Did they bring home a lot of Legos?  Any for you?  Wink

Someone I know recently went to Legoland here in the US.  She spent over $100...and she got herself some pink Legos!  She doesn't have kids, so she was definitely buying for herself.  Smile  LOL, I'm jealous...I want pink Legos!  Wink

He's rusty...that says it all!  Sure you can call him that.  I'm sorry he's being so much work.  Cry  Ugh, though I'd say some of that is part of being a man, sigh.  They've all got to be trained, IMO.

Hugs right back to you, and sending plenty of warm thoughts your way again.  Kiss

Melanie  (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict.  If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.

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Aabye message #7
Re: Coasters
March 30, 2016 at 4:56:29 AM  (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #6)

It's calles "Rodalon", it takes care of everything.. Even removes bacteria too.. It's great, but I don't think it can be found in the US.. But vinegar is great for removing smells too.. Just put it in a bowl, and let it sit there.. Smiley Vinegar is also great to wash clothes in.. It keeps the colors pretty Smiley
Or when whashing floors, just put vinegar in the water.. Smiley Works like a charm..

Sorry about your fridge..

Haha,, The kids brought home some foam swords.. They have soooooo many lego's that i'm drowning in it.. My family knows a lot of people working for Lego (their headquarters is in Billund, where we have lived for 14 years), and all these people gets the stuff much cheaper than in the stores.. Smiley
So we own our fair share of legos.. :p



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Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid!
- Albert Einstein 

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Stitchboard Admin message #8
Re: Coasters
March 31, 2016 at 4:43:47 AM  (in response to Aabye message #7)

I've never heard of "Rodalon," so I'm sure you're right, it's not found here.  Cry

I have used vinegar.  I've got a whole plastic container of crochet hooks that got flooded years ago, and they still smell like mold.  I'm desperate and will be trying vinegar.

Thanks...well, that was years ago.  Now we have another fridge that we like much better.  Smile

Wow, lucky you...Legos!  Bet the kids really love playing with them!  Kiss

Foam swords...those sound like fun, too!  Kiss


Melanie  (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict.  If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.

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Aabye message #9
Re: Coasters
March 31, 2016 at 7:10:39 AM  (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #8)

Sorry that they smell like mold.. Sad
But try vinegar... I hope it works..

If I'm able to visit you someday, I will bring you a lot of danish stuff (lot's of rodalon).. :p And yarn - in pretty colors.. Cheesy
Let me see if I can find pink legos.. I'm sure they still make them Wink Gold and silver ones too..
I'll send them for you if I find them.. Cheesy

Just had the most frustrating discussion with the asshat yesterday.. I have never cried so much over him than I did yesterday.. F****** asshat.. 

Anyhow.. My oldest (whose birthday is on the 11th this month), wants to have a pirate themed birthday party... He tells me this, 9 days before we are actually going to celebrate him.. :p LOL.. Talk about stress.. Furthermore, he only have three (3!!!!!) whishes.. Gotta be creative.. He want's a new knitted sweater (no chance in hell that is going to happen in such short time), he wants lego ninjagos.. And something I'm not even sure exists.. :p LOL

I was thinking about making some straws with skulls on.. Some flags, and some other small stuff to use as decorations.. My mother is making a treasure map, so they (Marcus, his littlebrother and the best friend in the whole wide world) are going tresure hunting.. I feel like I am waaaaay behind..  

I'm thinking about making a treasure chest of some kind og candy in it.. Gotta be carefull though.. The bestie has diabetes (only 6 years old Sad )..

They will get foam swords, pirate hats, eye patches etc etc etc. 

BTW - what's up with the forum? It's soooo slow when loading.. I don't know if it's only happening here.. 


- Line -

Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid!
- Albert Einstein 

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Stitchboard Admin message #10
April 1, 2016 at 2:44:33 AM  (in response to Aabye message #9)

Thanks!  Kiss  I'm desperate, as there are several irreplaceable hooks (not made anymore), so if I can get the smell to go, I can use them again!

LOL, awwww, I want you to visit so I can meet you!  Kiss

That's so sweet, but you don't have to send me Legos!  Kiss  I enjoy hearing about them!

I'm so sorry the asshat did that.  Cry  It's so wrong of him to make you cry!  He sounds like such a jerk.  I guess there's a small silver lining, in that you didn't marry him!  Can you imagine how much more difficult things would be now had you done that?  Anyway, I hope you're well rid of him from your life soon.  It can't be soon enough!  Yell

A pirate themed birthday party sounds delightful...but ugh, only 9 days away?  Surprised  I agree...a sweater is you have any bulky yarn?  I wonder if you use bulky yarn, maybe even with two strands together, you can make a sweater and have it done quickly.  Just a thought!  If it's thick enough, perhaps what we call a treble or triple crochet here would work.  We have single crochet, double crochet and then treble, which isn't used as much as the double.

I was thinking about this woman who was making a gorgeous blanket out of a kind of furry yarn.  And I think she ended up doing double crochets, but it could have been done with triples, too.  It was very, very thick yarn.

If you use a shortcut, you might be able to do something fairly quickly.  Will he like it...well, that's another story, sigh.  But it might help to cut you a little slack, because otherwise, I agree...a sweater is impossible in 9 days!

What are Lego ninjagos?  Are they hard to find?

A treasure chest is a wonderful idea!  Kiss  Maybe use sugar free candies for diabetics?  Poor kid, being diabetic so young!  Cry  You could also put non-candy prizes in the treasure chest.  Little inexpensive toys, perhaps.  If you have something that's the equivalent to our dollar stores, stores which sell inexpensive items for a dollar apiece, there may be a section of what we call "party favors."  I can't remember what they sell, LOL, haven't really looked at party favors ever, but there might be little themed things that you can put in the treasure chest.

I don't think this was sold as a party favor (maybe, though)...several years ago I bought a set of adorable cat erasers in a package at a dollar store.  About 9 of them, maybe.  I did it because I like cats, but maybe there would be a similar thing of dogs or...?  The girls' party favors are usually cheap fake jewelry.  Of course you don't want that...LOL, unless you want to use some of that to be fake "valuable" treasure?

Oh, no!  Cry  Is the still slow?  It may have had a problem when you were on, and I'm so sorry if that was the case.  I don't seem to be having trouble with it now, but let me know if it continues, okay?  Kiss


Melanie  (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict.  If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.

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Posts: 476
Aabye message #11
Re: Coasters
April 4, 2016 at 1:33:28 PM  (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #10)

I am happy that I got away before we got married.. Can't even imagine the horror if we got married and I had to get away... o.O

I told my mother about the sweater M wanted for his birthday, and she's actually working on one.. The Kid loves rainbows, so she's making him a plain rainbow sweater. He'll love it..

Lego Ninjagoes are lego figures :p try googleing them.. they are hard for me to describe :p

His good friend (the diabetic) is a tough kid... He have had the diagnosis since he was 2.. The problem with it when they are ao young is that it is super hard to keep the blood sugar stable :/

I was thinking that I wanted to put some swords in the treasure chest.. I found some cheap swords and hooks.. :p So I'll put those in, with some popcorn, and chips, and maybe a little chokolate (he can eat a bit of it without having trouble with the blood sugar level)..

Gotta go though.. Writing a big project about alcohol and antabus (if you know what it is.. It makes alcoholics sick if they take it and drink at the same time)

Anyhow.. The site is still slow for me.. But hech.. I'll live with it.. It's worth it Smiley


- Line -

Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid!
- Albert Einstein 

Look at that smile! (Photo guaranteed unretouched)
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Stitchboard Admin message #12
Re: Coasters
April 5, 2016 at 5:12:17 AM  (in response to Aabye message #11)

I can't imagine the horror you would have had trying to get away from the jerk if you were married.  Shudder.  It's too awful to contemplate!  Cry

Wow, that's great how your mother is making the sweater...that's so helpful!  I'm sure you don't have a lot of time as it is, and a sweater in 9 days, argh!

Awww, the Ninjagoes are cute!  Kiss

How sad that at only 2 he had to start with diabetes!  Cry  What a cruel diagnosis for someone so young.  Cry

I think that sounds like a lovely idea, and I imagine as far as the popcorn is concerned, it's a really good choice for a diabetic, as it shouldn't have sugar in it!  Kiss  And then a nice treat like just a tiny bit of chocolate that he can have is such a great and thoughtful idea!  Kiss

I'd never heard of that medication before.  That's some pretty advanced stuff you're doing!

Hope you ace the project!  Kiss

Okay, I'll let Terry know the site is still could be a wee hours of the morning thing.


Melanie  (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict.  If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.

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Posts: 476
Aabye message #13
Re: Coasters
April 6, 2016 at 3:20:19 AM  (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #12)

She's almost done with it.. o.O I'll post pictures when M opens it..
My mother has made so many wonderfull sweaters. I'll try to take some pics of them.. We have a LOT of sweaters in this home.. One can never have to many Cheesy 

It's not as advanced as it sounds.. We use it here in Denmark for "curing" alcoholism.. The problem with the pills is that they are actually toxic for the body, and as I said, it makes you very sick if you take them, but think that you can drink a beer or something at the same time.. It can actually kill you, because you body can't get rid of the toxins from the alcohol because of the blockers from the Antabus.. 
The pill's won't cure you just by themselves, you'll need therapy sessions with a psyc.. vscaz11

Funny with this site.. I have absolutely no problems with it, what so ever, when I'm sitting with my Dell machine.. But as soon as I use my MacBook - then I have all sorts of problems.. Wonder if it could be something as simple as my browser... Using Safari on my MacBook, but using google Chrome on the Dell..
I'll try installing google chrome on the macbook as well, to see if it helps with my problems... 



- Line -

Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid!
- Albert Einstein 

Look at that smile! (Photo guaranteed unretouched)
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Stitchboard Admin message #14
Re: Coasters
April 6, 2016 at 3:38:41 AM  (in response to Aabye message #13)

I can't wait to see!  Kiss

Oooh, so jealous!  Wool isn't easy to come by here.  We lost the only yarn shop in the area many, many years ago.  Now there are only craft stores, and they carry only a small amount of wool.

I'd love to see pics of your sweaters!  Kiss

So do the meds with therapy have a good success rate?

It really does sound like it may be the MacBook, though I'm not sure why!  Let me know how it works with Chrome.  Kiss  I alerted Terry yesterday in case there's something he can see on his end.


Melanie  (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict.  If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.

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Posts: 476
Aabye message #15
Re: Coasters
April 7, 2016 at 5:50:44 AM  (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #14)

I'll take some pics for you.. :p

It's so sad that the good yarn stores are closed.. But I don't think thereøs money in it anymore.. Not as there were some years ago... Maybe you are lucky that there will pop some new one up, now that the interest in crochet and knitting is rising? One can always hope..

Yes.. The meds combined with therapy sessions do have a good succes rate.. The problem is that people can always stop taking the meds, as you have a free will to do what ever you like..
But for the people really wanting to quit drinking, the succes rate is very high..

Tried installing chome on the mac.. I still have problems.. :/


- Line -

Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid!
- Albert Einstein 

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