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community home > Free Pattern Wizard > Updates > v3.0.4 Fixed screen jumping
v3.0.4 Fixed screen jumping
3227 views   0 replies   Latest reply: October 8, 2015 at 12:42:15 AM

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Jul 1, 2009
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Stitchboard Support message #1
v3.0.4 Fixed screen jumping
October 8, 2015 at 12:42:15 AM
In doing a lot of testing and working on some new features, I've seen the page jumping around a lot when loading.  This was due to the social network icons at the top of the page.  Each one is actually a little window to the particular social networks' system so formatting on the page is slightly out of my control.

I just did a work-around that greatly reduced the effects they have on the actual PatternWizard page.  Now when you load the page, they may move around a bit while they load, but at least they stay in the little "corral" in which I put them and no longer move the whole page around.

I'm not too worried about the way it is right now since we'll eventually be bringing a whole new look and the formatting will all change anyway, at which time we'll probably decide on a different look and format of the social network links anyway.

I hope to have another feature running in the next day or so.  And then on to more free stuff!


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Walt Disney

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