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Would like your input regarding Illusion Knitting options
3320 views   0 replies   Latest reply: October 4, 2015 at 11:21:35 PM

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Stitchboard Support message #1
Would like your input regarding Illusion Knitting options
October 4, 2015 at 11:21:35 PM
As we were setting up the illusion knitting function, we discussed what to include when sending to a pdf.  Our final decision was to offer an illusion graph and/or a word chart.

The word charts were pretty straightforward.  And instructions are included on the key page.  So a partial word chart might look like:

Now to the graph.  Since every other row of an illusion graph is basically knitting a full row across, some charts out there leave these rows out with the understanding that whoever's knitting will remember this.

Other charts out there use 3 colors to represent knitting, purling, and a full knitted blank row.

All this seems confusing so we have the PatternWizard creating the chart showing ALL rows.  Again, instructions are included on the key page.  So a sample of an illusion chart is:

We'd like any feedback as to whether this is the best approach.

Another thing we discussed was to offer a straight knitting chart.  This would be a chart with one row per original image row.  (Remember that an illusion chart winds up to be 4 times the number of original rows).  So a 100-row pattern would wind up being 400 illusion-knitted rows.  Would you feel there's a need for the 100-row chart in addition to the 400-row illusion chart that we output now?

Also, we number every row.  Would you rather see every 5 or 10 numbered?

Finally, the word chart allows MC/CC, Color A/B, or Color 1/2.  Would you like to see anything else?

Thanks for any input.


“If you can dream it, you can do it.
Tom Fitzgerald

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