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community home > Free Pattern Wizard > Updates > v2.8.5 Added side tab making it easier to ask us questions
v2.8.5 Added side tab making it easier to ask us questions
2885 views   0 replies   Latest reply: February 14, 2014 at 2:50:05 PM

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Jul 1, 2009
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Stitchboard Support message #1
v2.8.5 Added side tab making it easier to ask us questions
February 14, 2014 at 2:50:05 PM
I just added a side tab called "Ask Us" that allows you to click and ask us a question about the patternWizard.

We'd actually prefer your questions to be asked through the patternWizard support area of the Community (where you are right now) so everyone can see your questions and the answers.

Another tab will be added in a day or so.

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Walt Disney

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