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community home > Free Pattern Wizard > Questions and Answers > Image is blurry when I create a pattern
Image is blurry when I create a pattern
3720 views   1 replies   Latest reply: July 5, 2014 at 5:12:23 PM

Member since:
Jun 11, 2014
Posts: 3
HookedStitchedWired message #1
Image is blurry when I create a pattern
July 5, 2014 at 3:54:50 PM

I'm trying to create a cross stitch pattern from my granddaughter's picture but when the pattern is made the picture is blurry.


How can i fix this?



Member since:
Jul 1, 2009
Posts: 1092
Stitchboard Support message #2
Image is blurry when I create a pattern
July 5, 2014 at 5:12:23 PM  (in response to HookedStitchedWired message #1)
This is often caused by giving the freePatternWizard a very small image and telling it to enlarge it a lot.

The best way to prevent this is to use a paint, graphics, or other image manipulation program on your computer to make it the same number of pixels across that you want the stitch count in your final pattern.

So if you want 150 stitches across, the best possible image to send to the freePatternWizard would be 150 pixels across.

The program does not inherently blur images unless one of the "blur" options is selected in section 8.  Also, using the Stray pixel cleanup option can seem to blur some images a bit.

I also recommend using either .png or .gif images as these generally have no image loss.  .jpg images are often compressed and can look blurred.

So you may want to use a .png or .gif, that is no greater than 150 pixels across and you should be fine.

Let me know more details if you are still having problems.


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