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New! Caron One Pound, Caron Simply Soft and Herrschners 2-Ply Afghan palettes - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

New!  The Herrschner's Worsted Palette - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

New!  We've just added the palette for Deborah Norville Everyday Yarn!  If you knit and/or crochet, this is for you.  This is a beautiful yarn with a nice feel to it, a good alternative in worsted weight acrylic!  (Thank you again to BetwixtTheStitch!)

New!  The Red Heart Super Saver Palette - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

Welcome to Stitchboard!  Feel free to sit and stay awhile.  Check out our new Premier features.  In addition to the ability to create larger patterns (up to 500 stitches wide), illusion knitting and private labeling (no more worries about editing those pesky and messy PDFs), we've just introduced Filet Crochet, our most popular request!  We have many more features planned, too!  Laughing
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Hi Melanie!
The slogan is very simple - it is [our last name with an s] be [our last name with an s]. So, if our last name were Smith, it would be Smiths be Smiths. The background behind it is that he comments to her on things like, "oh, now I see where you get that behavior" when they visit and he spends time with me in particular.  The apple definitely does not fall far from the tree... LOL...
I actually found the original package from the Aida cloth, and it is 22. So, yeah, definitely not going to use it! I waver between the plastic canvas and getting some Aida with a lower number. But, since I have the plastic canvas on hand, it might be the best to experiment with - heaven knows I have plenty of yarn, and of course, from the abandoned cross stitch project, lots of floss too!
I understand what you are saying with the font, and I think I have a font that is both special to our family and also fits the bill of what you suggest works best. I will et you know how it goes, for sure!
Thanks and so glad I found you all!!

Hi, Everyone!

Thanks to lillizer who reported a problem with Crochet charts when an image does not contain white and/or black.  The freePatternWizard sometimes introduced an additional color in the chart as either a box with a dot in the middle or a box with a black square in it.  This symbol was not included in the key on the first page of the pdf and was basically just very confusing.

I just fixed this bug.

The problem happened in Crochet charts, Knitting charts, Cross Stitch patterns, and Crochet word charts!

The stray symbol is now gone and the proper one is shown.

Thanks again, lillizer.

I'm still working on bringing a few new features and 2 more bug fixes, then will be working on bringing the next new major version of software (v4.0.0) with Major new features.



The previous message (#54) explains what we've done with the 300 stitch option.  It also has a couple links -- one that shows all current features, the other how to subscribe to either 300 or 500 stitches across.

Thanks for your continued use!  I'm about to get back to adding new things.


can't have this uptown girl having a simple private licenced candle lit midnight service and i'm envious of char also being able to sew

haha melanie i see nicky's been on 
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