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Thanks for getting back to me!

I will try to make the lines thicker and see if it comes up with something. I just havent cross stitched in like 10 years, so im trying to get back into. Ive done lettering before i think i can handle it if i cant get it to map something out.

The picture was saved as PNG, so im not sure. And honestly i am unsure with pixel to stitch part lol. Thats all confusing to me. I just left it at 80? So im not sure about that part.

Im going to mess with it more to see if i can get a better result. If i cant i think the picture it did give me is able to be followed enough i can fill in the blank.

Thank you for the help (:

It does.  Smiley

Welcome! Smile
At this point in time, there is no editing function. This will be available in a later version of the software, but I'm sorry to say I don't have a specific time for when that will happen.

Hi there everyone,

My real name is De'Andrea and I started working with beads when I was 19, a long long time ago. I didn't stay with it picking up beading again in the 1990s (told you it was a very long time ago). Made quite a few beaded necklaces and earrings back in the '90s that I sold to local folks and for my family and friends. Back then I didn't work in peyote, brick stitch or straight stitch, off or on loom. When I was 19 I wanted to make my sister beaded hatband in a southwest design for her birthday which was 2 weeks after mine. She had bought a beading book on Native American designs and techniques for my birthday present.  I only had money to buy the beads, used my Mom's sewing thread and worked with them til I figured out my way of off loom straight stitch where I sewed down 2 beads at a time instead of 1 at a time like traditional straight stitch.

I didn't stick with beading in the '90s either mainly due to work and life happening. Now after a 25+ yr hiatus I am back to my first love of beading. I still work full time for a few more yrs, except now I have a 4 on & 4 off work schedule which allows me more time to bead. A friend of mine got me back into beading again when he found out I used to bead. He commissioned me to create a beaded vulture for him. Ok, I know vultures are not on very many folks list as an ideal subject to have hanging on their walls. My friend Jim loves vultures for the contribution they do for the world with helping clean it up.

Jim lives in New Mexico and hand makes & sells small wooden tapestry looms and tools. He collects vulture memorabilia and wanted something special to add to it in beads. I worked up the vulture in peyote with the edges worked in brick stitch to make the curves and beak work out. It is a shaped peyote piece 9"X6". Now I am working on the background that is being made on my large Mirrix tapestry loom. It will be 20" wide by at least 17" high. Once it is finished I will applique the peyote vulture to the bottom right corner of it. Jim merely wanted a 5"X5" vulture head beaded piece. Me, I didn't think that would do the vulture justice and decided to create this "monster" of a tapestry for him. I have been working on the project since last fall and hopefully will be done with it this summer.

My non beading life consists of my hubby of 39 yrs, 1 son & daughter-n-law who live in Alaska, my 5 Grandkitties, Grandhamster and Grandchinchilla. I have dogs & parrots kids now. Smile

i found out for a baker in our local asda which is owned by walmart that she never even got the cake she wanted in there either she got a photo put on to a cake of the 5 super heores for 10 euros which is the standard price for putting a pic onto a cake lol
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