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New! Caron One Pound, Caron Simply Soft and Herrschners 2-Ply Afghan palettes - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

New!  The Herrschner's Worsted Palette - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

New!  We've just added the palette for Deborah Norville Everyday Yarn!  If you knit and/or crochet, this is for you.  This is a beautiful yarn with a nice feel to it, a good alternative in worsted weight acrylic!  (Thank you again to BetwixtTheStitch!)

New!  The Red Heart Super Saver Palette - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

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Welcome! Great name! Smile
Any shrinking of an image is best done beforehand. Since the freePatternWizard isn't a graphics program, it won't understand taking a large image and shrinking it down. It's best to shrink your image with a graphics program, to where the number of pixels = the number of stitches you want. (You can't designate the number of rows at this time. This will be changed in the future, but originally we were afraid people would skew or truncate their patterns to get them to a certain height.) Once you've altered your image to the width and approximate height you want, that's when you'd want to upload it to the freePatternWizard. Smile

Hi everyone.

I've had several people ask about why they sometimes get "Invalid image file type" errors.

Thanks to users who sent me their "trouble" files, I was able to find one common cause.  Yes, there are others and you still might see this error but I just added a bit of code to eliminate one cause.

The cause of this particular problem is when someone loads an image into their browser and saves it with a different name and file type.  So they may load a .jpg image into their browser and tell the browser to save it with a file name ending with .png.  Or they simply rename their image from xxx.jpg to xxx.png.  Either way, the file stays the same.  Only the name changes.

The previous version of the freePatternWizard decided your uploaded image was in the format that your computer said it was.  Beginning with this version it does a double-check so even if you upload a file xxx.jpg and it's really a .png image, it'll figure it out and process it in the correct format.

The correct way to change your image format is to load it into some sort of "paint" program and save it out in a different format.  Your "paint" program will then reformat your image properly.

This was previously implemented on Android devices.



I'll have Terry (Support) take a look at this and see if he has other ideas.  Paint should be fine as a graphics program, though GIMP would be more sophisticated and have more options.


It's not just the money that would be involved in changing things would be more trouble than it's worth.  For instance, to tear the bathroom out, relocate it (where?), restore the downstairs bedroom to part of the living room and to put in a new bay window would be a lot of work...and then the bay window would be facing a garage, so we'd either have to tear out the garage, put the bay window elsewhere (not sure where) or not put in a bay window at all.

Better to leave the changes as is and perhaps add things here and there, like a reading room/tower off of the one bedroom, glass in the front porch and add a wraparound to it, perhaps ultimately extend the master bedroom out over the front porch and make that a glassed-in balcony.  Probably would cost less and definitely would increase the amount of space.

The dining room is kind of a loss.  Someday when we go to sell, we might put in a dining area in the living room or have a really small table in the kitchen, so as not to emphasize the lack of a dining room or area.

Also, our yard is not very big because of the garage.  But a garage is important.  So we would probably emphasize the proximity of a public park within walking distance when we're ready to sell, because there's not much we can do about the lack of yard, either.

It's not a nightmare (other than the tree)'s decent...but not our dream home, you know?

Ouch, 3.7 miles is a lot of walking outside...I can walk that easily as part of an in-home walking program, but outside when the weather isn't perfect, not for me!  But the idea of walking around in nature is lovely, IMO, and I can't wait to see your pics!  Kiss  Downtown walking is nice for shorter walks.  Nature walking...great for longer walks.  Kiss


First of all, that's a gorgeous're so talented!  Kiss

Currently our topmost width is 300 stitches.  LOL, even we don't have anything wider at the moment!  Going wider than 300 stitches may have to be a premium feature, as wider patterns will require heavier server usage.

I can completely understand your frustration with the settings.  I'll run this by Terry (Support) to see if he has any other suggestions.  It may be something that will be addressed with a future version of the software.  We have a lot of features planned, so hopefully some of these will ultimately be helpful for you!  Smile
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