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New! Caron One Pound, Caron Simply Soft and Herrschners 2-Ply Afghan palettes - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

New!  The Herrschner's Worsted Palette - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

New!  We've just added the palette for Deborah Norville Everyday Yarn!  If you knit and/or crochet, this is for you.  This is a beautiful yarn with a nice feel to it, a good alternative in worsted weight acrylic!  (Thank you again to BetwixtTheStitch!)

New!  The Red Heart Super Saver Palette - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

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Welcome! Smile
We have no requirements for selling exclusively on our site. If it's your pattern created from your work, you own the rights, so you're free to sell your patterns wherever you want! Smile


I'm sorry for the delay.  I'll send you an email tomorrow with a link to test the new version.  I had several other problems in other areas but I'll have you test the Peyote and see if it solves your problem.

FYI, I also just added a year to your subscription.  Now I want to be sure you don't have any problems with the program.

I need to unlock some things, put in your member number and will do a couple patterns with Peyote on my end.  Like I say, I'll email you tomorrow.



What Sherry said is spot on...a word chart is so much easier to use than an actual chart.  There are no problems trying to view blocks, and you can actually generate your pattern in both word and conventional charts for the rows where you do want to follow a conventional non-word chart, e.g., where you can see the blocks clearly.

We don't keep the patterns people create, so we can't go back and look at the pattern and get you a better copy of it if you've purchased it from an independent seller.  Have you tried contacting the seller on Etsy?  Can they offer you a better copy of the pattern?  Perhaps they can regenerate the pattern as a word chart in addition to the conventional chart.

If not, my suggestion would be to take Sherry's excellent advice and generate your own pattern, at least as a word chart.  Smile


That's really pretty!  Kiss  That would look soooooooooo elegant to wear to an event or nice dinner!

I think you should make would be stunning, and you'd look great in it!  Kiss

Oh, yeah, white isn't good for much of anything, at least not in garments.  I have very few white articles of clothing (just a couple of t-shirts with designs on them) and will keep it that way!  It's just not worth the upkeep.  I don't even like white yarn unless it's absolutely necessary for something.

LOL, can you imagine?!  Surprised  Even without active kids around, I still wouldn't get white you said, a coffee or wine spill, and that's it!  I guess those wealthy people either wouldn't have any active kids over, or they'd replace the carpeting often.



No, absolutely not...neither of us are addicted to yarn!  Wink  But we do need it.  Necessity does not addiction make.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

I'm so sorry you didn't do as well as you would have liked on the exam.  Cry  That sounds like an ingenious idea with the paper, though.  It reminds me of what one of the teachers (she wasn't a full professor yet) did at my college for a final exam, which I found helpful and would have found helpful for other tests, too.  She gave a pre-final and then a final.  The pre-final made the information so fresh in my mind, the final was a breeze!  And this was...calculus, I think.  Or pre-calc?  Sigh, I don't remember, but you get the idea.  It really, really helped.  I don't think she counted the pre-final grade, just the final.

Well, Silver looked soooooooooo cute in that pic!  Kiss  I know she's trying your patience, though and I hope she stops that soon.  I'm sure you don't need the added stress of what she's doing!  Cry

I'm so glad you have that product for removing smell!  We've never found anything great here.  There's something called Nature's Miracle and my bestie swears by it, but Nature's Miracle hasn't helped us all that much.  We bought some years ago to use on our fridge, which had the absolute worst smells, after we'd had our first flood.  The problem was that we had so much work to do, we didn't know the refrigerator should have been the very first thing cleaned out, so it waited a couple of weeks.  By then, the stink of all of the rotted food had saturated the insulation.  It was a goner.  Literally, for the first 4 months after the flood, we had no fridge at all.  The Nature's Miracle did nothing.  Cry

It was also a shame because it was a fairly large side by side, and we'd torn out entire cabinets to get it into the place.  We ended up later with a much smaller conventional upright refrigerator, and it was awful from day one.

Wonder if the stuff you have would have taken care of it, sigh.  Not that it matters now, as we dumped that fridge ages ago.  And then the horrible replacement one was on its way out when we were ready to move, so we had to dump it.

It really does sound like a good thing that Silver likes food!  She sounds like our cat!

Hope it goes well with the higher fence and she doesn't find a way to get out.  I can understand why you wouldn't want to keep her in all the time, and of course you don't want to tie her to a pole in the middle of the yard, but she's not giving you any choice with her fence jumping!  Cry  Better to keep her safe tied up like that.

I'm so sorry the ex is being a jerk.  Cry  You deserve far better treatment.

Wow, that sure does sound like a fun!  Did they bring home a lot of Legos?  Any for you?  Wink

Someone I know recently went to Legoland here in the US.  She spent over $100...and she got herself some pink Legos!  She doesn't have kids, so she was definitely buying for herself.  Smile  LOL, I'm jealous...I want pink Legos!  Wink

He's rusty...that says it all!  Sure you can call him that.  I'm sorry he's being so much work.  Cry  Ugh, though I'd say some of that is part of being a man, sigh.  They've all got to be trained, IMO.

Hugs right back to you, and sending plenty of warm thoughts your way again.  Kiss
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