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New! Caron One Pound, Caron Simply Soft and Herrschners 2-Ply Afghan palettes - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

New!  The Herrschner's Worsted Palette - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

New!  We've just added the palette for Deborah Norville Everyday Yarn!  If you knit and/or crochet, this is for you.  This is a beautiful yarn with a nice feel to it, a good alternative in worsted weight acrylic!  (Thank you again to BetwixtTheStitch!)

New!  The Red Heart Super Saver Palette - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

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Fantastic - can't wait to see! Kiss And you're so welcome! Kiss

Welcome! Smile
The question that comes to mind here, if I'm understanding this correctly, is: were there grid lines on the picture you put through the freePatternWizard? If so, the software isn't set up to recognize gridlines and remove them. If not, please tell me more about your it a jpg or a gif or...? Is it very large or very small and are you attempting to use the freePatternWizard to resize it? (This is not recommended.)

Hi, My name is Penny Kembel...I am new to this site....Ty for letting me join. I am wondring why my pattern is not giving me white teeth. Am I doing something wrong....TIA


Wow, if you could make something up to be "adjustable" so to speak, you could pretty much cover everyone's individual taste!  Kiss  Love that idea!

Oh, no, I'm so sorry your headaches are that bad.  Cry  I agree that it sounds a bit suspect...all of a sudden, you're allergic?  I know allergies can happen at anytime, but something with headaches that severe sounds very strange (though I'm not by any means a medical professional!).

Ugh, you're not kidding about any of that...the nausea, sensitivity to light, smells, etc.  Cry  My migraines can get that way, though I haven't had issues like that recently, thank goodness.  When I did get them that bad, I'd try to stop the headaches before they got worse.  My solution back then was caffeine, which was awful, as I have debilitating hot flashes, and the caffeine would work maybe 20-30% of the time if I was lucky, so not much.  Frown

The thing that changed is they gave me medication that really did help.  100%.  But it's crazy expensive and I still try to discourage a headache from starting before going for the crazy expensive stuff.  The only time I don't bother trying caffeine is if I have a big, busy day ahead.  The one day I was going out of town, woke up early in the morning with a horrible headache, took a pill and went back to bed.  That really did the trick...well, sort of.  I went back to bed because otherwise the meds make me sleepy, but then when I woke up there was a terrible pain in my neck/shoulder, and despite not having a headache, I was absolutely miserable, as I was in a place most of the day where I couldn't leave, couldn't get comfortable...for well over 8 hours.  Frown

But at least I didn't have the headache by then, which I absolutely would have had if not for the meds!

What meds did they give you, if you don't mind me asking?  (LOL, if it's none of my business, that's okay.  Wink)  I have something called Sumatriptan, which is the generic for Imitrex.  Even though it's the generic, it's still crazy expensive.  The "real" stuff used to be $100/pill...the generic is "only" $10/pill.  Now you see why I don't want to take it unless I really, really need it!

When I'm stuck somewhere that I don't have a pill with me, a headache can be really miserable.  If I don't catch it earlier on with either caffeine or a pill, it can last 3 or more days, like yours.  Cry  Sleeping that way is the worst.  It seems counterproductive to take a pill before going to sleep, since I'm not doing anything super critical, but then I have a really miserable night.  So I probably should take a pill if I have a bad headache before going to sleep, as strange as that seems!

Is it possible your triggers aren't allergy related?  I don't know the cause of mine...nobody's ever said, they've just given meds (which thankfully worked), but I've noticed that if I get stressed, clench my jaw, hold my shoulders up, etc, it can lead to a headache.  And I know they're migraines because this med is a specific migraine one, so I don't know if it's supposed to work for non-migraines (suspect not), but it's so far worked 100% of the time, whether I took it earlier on with the headache or much later on!

I hope they can find a great solution for you that will help get rid of your migraines.  Nobody should have to deal with that kind of awful pain.  Cry

Hi, I'm new here and have tried to make my first graph pattern. I made the image in paintshop pro and saved it as both a jpg and giff, which I've tried to use both, to make the pattern. The problem is 2 columns that are to be in white fill up and this happens with both files. The area effected is for a side boarder and the right side comes out fine but the left doesn't. Why can't I get those columns to come out right?
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