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New! Caron One Pound, Caron Simply Soft and Herrschners 2-Ply Afghan palettes - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

New!  The Herrschner's Worsted Palette - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

New!  We've just added the palette for Deborah Norville Everyday Yarn!  If you knit and/or crochet, this is for you.  This is a beautiful yarn with a nice feel to it, a good alternative in worsted weight acrylic!  (Thank you again to BetwixtTheStitch!)

New!  The Red Heart Super Saver Palette - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

Welcome to Stitchboard!  Feel free to sit and stay awhile.  Check out our new Premier features.  In addition to the ability to create larger patterns (up to 500 stitches wide), illusion knitting and private labeling (no more worries about editing those pesky and messy PDFs), we've just introduced Filet Crochet, our most popular request!  We have many more features planned, too!  Laughing
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Ah, autocorrect! So much fun...not!
If you're talking about a pattern you've created with the freePatternWizard, unless it's something different (like Tunisian), yes, it would be single crochet. The only reason we don't specifically call it that is because in some countries (such as England), single crochet is called double crochet, lol. Nice and confusing.

Welcome! Smile
If you're talking about a word chart, it goes from right to left/left to right as you would normally crochet.

If you guys could add an option that would allow us to not have the extra rows added (I understand that it's done because most people's SC is flat instead of squares), that would be AWESOME!!!


Welcome! Smile

We currently don't have a version of the software that will edit a pattern; that feature is currently in development. In the meantime, the best thing to do is use a graphics program to edit your image before you send it in to the freePatternWizard. If you're on a PC, I can give you links to two free and very powerful graphics editing programs. I can't tell you how to use them, as I use an old, old program from, gasp, about 1998, but they do have tutorials and manuals available.

Also, when you edit the graphic, the best thing to do is to ensure a 1:1 relationship of pixels to stitches. This is for width only; for length the program does the calculating, so if you want to change that, you'll have to experiment and add borders to your image until you get it to the length you like. This will change when editing features become available, but the reason we didn't originally make the program work that way was because we were worried people would attempt to resize their images and would truncate or skew them.

Another thing to note is the image format of what you're using. If you're using a jpg, the image will already be "lossy," e.g., colors will bleed and the image won't be sharp. You do need a sharp image for the freePatternWizard, as giving it an image with a gazillion smudged colors will give you an unsatisfactory pattern, so usually a gif or png image would be optimal. However, you can't simply take a jpg and save it out as a gif or png, because if you do, you'll only get a lossy image with a gazillion smudged colors and an unsatisfactory pattern!

I apologize that I don't have a date for when the editing features will be available, so using a graphics program is the best way for now.

Do you not change stitch to 300 any more. I love your program have two pictures of my grand daughters but 150 makes look so small. Is there a way I can make it bigger. Thank you all for your great time you take for this program
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