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Welcome! Smile
Working from a photograph with only 60 stitches across is simply too small. You won't get much resolution, because there isn't much room.

If you can take a look at your photo with a graphics program, you can see how small of an area approximately 60 x 70 pixels is, and that's not even taking into account that you may not want to have your stitching all the way out to the edge. If you zoom in, it will be such a negligible amount of the photo, it will likely not look like much of anything, more of a blob of color.
I'm not sure what to suggest to work with that small of an area and a photograph. You can try reducing it, again with a graphics program (the freePatternWizard doesn't work like a graphics program, so it will indiscriminately choose pixels regardless of what you want), though the results are likely to not turn out well.
I'm so sorry not to have a better answer for you. If you're on a Windows computer and don't have a graphics program, I can give you links to two very powerful, free programs that have been around for at least two decades, so you can look closely at and/or edit your photos.



Please let me know a bit more.  Are you doing crochet, cross stitch, knitting or beading?

Often when using a .jpg image, the program sees many subtle colors that you may not want.

In this case you might try two different thing, one at a time.
1. Adjust the color sensitivity in section 8 to a higher value
2. Set 5c to "Limit the number of colors" and enter a number.

If the problem is that the program is selecting a gray color, this was a problem in certain cases when the image did not have any white and/or black.  If this is the case and you're doing either crochet, knitting, or cross stitch, I could have you try an upcoming trial version.

I'm hoping to have a program update either late October or sometime in November.



I created a pattern yesterday, and selected to use the full 150 stitches allowed for registered members (non-premium). My pattern came out to 198x150. What is that, in inches/centimeters? Is it one stitch per block on the pattern? It equaled out to about 30,000 stitches. I don't want a humongous afghan, so I would like to know rough estimates so I can adjust accordingly.



Thank you kindly!  Smile
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