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I hope I can ask another question.
Can I save my wizard patterns on here? Only looking through drop down box for patterns it says 'Uploaded patterns'
How do you do that only would be great to keep any wizard ones here

I am new to this site, but i am liking it. It could just be an operator error.

Ive had a hard time finding something to cross stitch with Coheed and Cambria (A band). So i decided to come up with something on my own. Ive tried to adjust a couple differnet settings in the maker, but it comes out wrong basically lol. I figure i could probably just figure out the missing pieces and figure out how to write the words, but hopefully someone can help! 

The one picture is what im wanting it to look like. THe other is what i get.

Ok, I'll take a look and see if I can't add an option to adjust the grid colors.

I'll post again when it's in the program.  Hopefully in the next few weeks.

I might be able to add a temporary shortcut sooner.  I'll take a look.



Welcome! Smile

I'm not sure I'm understanding your question correctly, so please let me know if this isn't what you mean. Are you saying that you want to print your pattern onto some clear material, such as transparency material, lay it over the fabric and work it from that transparency?

My concern would be that working from transparency material would necessitate picking up the transparency material, working a few stitches at a time, then placing the transparency material back onto the fabric to figure out where the next part starts - the next line, color, etc. Short of actually printing directly on the fabric, I can't see any way you'd be able to align it perfectly each time, especially with the nature of fabric being unpredictable and difficult to work with. One fold or wrinkle and your pattern would be way off.

Also, if your printer can't handle printing your pattern normally onto paper, I don't see how it would handle printing that much onto transparency material.

If your printer can't handle printing a grid to cover the size of fabric you're looking to use, can you go to a copy place and see if they have a service that would print such a grid, perhaps onto transparency material you provide for them?

And if you wouldn't have a way to consistently realign the Aida cloth and transparency material for every few stitches, maybe working your pattern in smaller portions from paper as a normal counted pattern would do? You could find a way to print out your pattern onto regular paper, maybe at a copy place, then use a highlighter pen to outline small sections of the grid that you work at one time.

As long as you have plenty of extra fabric in case your design runs beyond calculations, you can still work top to bottom and left to right instead of from the center out.

It sounds like I'm misunderstanding your question, so please explain where I'm going wrong.

Yeah he is one of my cats. His name Slinky but thats not the one from my name. I have 2 others and I have to admit that I find them irresistable as well.  
This is the one in my name. Tigerlily 
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