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New! Caron One Pound, Caron Simply Soft and Herrschners 2-Ply Afghan palettes - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

New!  The Herrschner's Worsted Palette - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

New!  We've just added the palette for Deborah Norville Everyday Yarn!  If you knit and/or crochet, this is for you.  This is a beautiful yarn with a nice feel to it, a good alternative in worsted weight acrylic!  (Thank you again to BetwixtTheStitch!)

New!  The Red Heart Super Saver Palette - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

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Please let me know a bit more.  Are you doing crochet, cross stitch, knitting or beading?

Often when using a .jpg image, the program sees many subtle colors that you may not want.

In this case you might try two different thing, one at a time.
1. Adjust the color sensitivity in section 8 to a higher value
2. Set 5c to "Limit the number of colors" and enter a number.

If the problem is that the program is selecting a gray color, this was a problem in certain cases when the image did not have any white and/or black.  If this is the case and you're doing either crochet, knitting, or cross stitch, I could have you try an upcoming trial version.

I'm hoping to have a program update either late October or sometime in November.



The Basic Palette is the one I suspect you'll want. Unless you're looking for a certain brand, such as Red Heart Super Saver, the Basic Palette is what you'll find has all of the very basic colors. Brands of yarn will have their own color names. This is why we developed the Basic Palette, because yarn is very difficult to match to specific colors, and even going across brands, which usually isn't recommended due to differences in yarn weights and differences in fibers (e.g., you wouldn't want to use fibers that require different types of care in one project!), you'll be hard pressed to find matching colors beyond the basics.

The Full Palette isn't recommended at all.

DMC is embroidery floss. While there are some who use embroidery floss to crochet, it's a very small fiber and difficult to work with, so though DMC has many color matches compared to conventional yarns, it's not recommended for crochet.

My afghan project will come later.  Right now I just want to do the portrait.  The only concern I'm having at this point is the pattern not being skewed out of proportion due to the direction that I'm working it.  But I guess I'll find out in time.  

Sorry I'm new, where do you find the beading section?


Another chapter done here.. We just handed over the keys to our apartment.. We couldn't finish the paintjob in it, so we have to pay them to paint the walls and ceilings one last time.. Otherwise we were good to go..
I have no problem with paying them to give the everything one last layer of painting since I am sooooo very tired by now. I can barely keep my eyes open... ZzzzZzzzZZZzzzzZZ

It is to bad that selling a house sometimes is all about the money like yours were...
We have houses here being sold by the same reason here.. But mostly the foreclosures here ends up on auctions, especially if they don't sell after a couple of months. You can get really nice houses for no money at all here if you are willing to look for them at the house auctions...
Of couse most of them are old pieces of s***, but even then you might get a huge property for nothing at all where you can build a new house..

It is really funny though, since Denmark is such a small country the houses here sell by what is 'in' at the moment.. 20 years ago, litterally no one wanted to live close to the sea, so even houses with beautifull views sold for nothing... Then people didn't want to live in the cities, so everything even close to the cities seold for nothing.. Now people want to live in the middle of the big cities, so all houses just a few miles outside the city centres cost practically nothing..

We made a fantastic deal on our hose, since it is 6 km outside the city centre it costs nothing. But the city we moved to expands rapidly.. So in a few years we could actually make a profit on our house if we wanted to.
We talked about building our own in 10 years or so. Still in the same 'area', but a bigger, newer house.. I need to have room for my yarn... And all my nail stuff Tongue Out 

Anyhow, I hope you are really happy with your house after all.. No matter how much work you had to put in it Smiley Smiley

.oO(Relaxing in the living room with a glass of chilled wine.. <- It is not the worst Wink
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