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Non-Stitching Crafts
Cake Design/Decorating
> Welcome! :)
Re: Welcome! :)
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Latest reply: November 2, 2015 at 10:02:37 AM
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message #46
Re: Welcome! :)
October 10, 2015 at 4:04:05 AM
I completely agree!
Let's face it, good art is rarely a quick, instant gratification thing. Though I do wish it hadn't taken you quite so long!
Melanie (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict. If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.
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message #47
Re: Welcome! :)
October 10, 2015 at 8:22:05 AM (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #1)
i had one customer for the cakes who was a right royal pain in the ass she'd phone me up at all hours of the day and night demanding to know if her cake was ready it was a 5 tired spiderman,batman,ironman,hulk and 2 other super heores she drove me insane her deadline was impossibly short 4 days notice was all she'd gave me i was so stressed out
remember that your perfect god makes no mistakes
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message #48
Re: Welcome! :)
October 11, 2015 at 3:58:23 AM (in response to neave message #2)
Ugh! I can relate. Everyone wants everything done...yesterday! Well, it can't be done. Four days notice does sound impossibly, unrealistically short. And what gall, to keep calling you!
How did it all work out? I hope she ultimately gained some sense and realized she was harassing you over something that couldn't be done so's just a cake, not a life saving machine!
Melanie (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict. If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.
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message #49
Re: Welcome! :)
October 11, 2015 at 9:33:45 AM (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #3)
she never got the cake in the end lol she phoned me up an hour after placing the cake and she was like have you started it and i went no so by the day before the cake was due she phoned me and went is it ready my reply was no it's not now blank blank blank blank off because your not getting i'm not a machine or a miracle worker i hung up and then changed my cell phone number straight away
remember that your perfect god makes no mistakes
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message #50
Re: Welcome! :)
October 12, 2015 at 3:56:24 AM (in response to neave message #4)
Ugh, what a nightmare! Glad you taught her not to demand things immediately. She sounds like one of those people who think the world revolves around them and we are all just slaves to order around. Probably is also the type who has rarely (if ever) been told "no."
I say you did exactly the right thing.
Melanie (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict. If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.
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message #51
Re: Welcome! :)
October 12, 2015 at 9:35:43 AM (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #5)
she wasn't amused that she'd been told to f off but i don't care my health comes first
remember that your perfect god makes no mistakes
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message #52
Re: Welcome! :)
October 13, 2015 at 3:59:15 AM (in response to neave message #6)
Exactly. Forget it...people like that aren't worth raising your blood pressure over their behavior!
Melanie (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict. If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.
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message #53
Re: Welcome! :)
October 13, 2015 at 12:42:37 PM (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #7)
definitley not
remember that your perfect god makes no mistakes
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message #54
Re: Welcome! :)
October 14, 2015 at 3:39:03 AM (in response to neave message #8)
Oh, yeah, I've been in that spot too many times. Even if someone is paying a lot of money, it's
not worth all of the aggravation. (Except usually those kinds of people are cheap and don't want to pay well, but they love to harass others.)
Melanie (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict. If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.
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message #55
Re: Welcome! :)
October 14, 2015 at 9:10:27 AM (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #9)
nope i know i'd told the woman it would cost her 12 hundred euros for it that was before she got told to f off lol her reply was no i want it for less my reply was no it's 12 hundred because it's my time,my skills and my epterise your using up she went oh i look else where for cheaper then and that's when she started bugging me every hour of the day and nite and she got told to f off
remember that your perfect god makes no mistakes
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message #56
Re: Welcome! :)
October 15, 2015 at 4:40:18 AM (in response to neave message #10)
Yuck, she sounds like she has a mental problem! If she was going to find some way to get it cheaper, then she should have gone elsewhere and left you alone. The world doesn't exist only for her! She had no right to demand a cheaper price.
I bet when someone asks her for something, she'll only do it if she gets paid a lot. No, it doesn't work that way! Some people have a lot of gall.
Melanie (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict. If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.
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message #57
Re: Welcome! :)
October 15, 2015 at 2:30:13 PM (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #11)
i found out for a baker in our local asda which is owned by walmart that she never even got the cake she wanted in there either she got a photo put on to a cake of the 5 super heores for 10 euros which is the standard price for putting a pic onto a cake lol
remember that your perfect god makes no mistakes
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message #58
Re: Welcome! :)
October 16, 2015 at 2:31:07 AM (in response to neave message #12)
Serves her right! If she's going to boss people around like she has a right to, then she doesn't deserve a beautiful hand-decorated cake. 10 euros is probably all she wanted to spend, anyway...glad that it wasn't you who ended up dealing with her! (Though I feel bad for whoever she dealt with at Asda. If it's anything like Walmart here, those people work their buns off for very little money.
Certainly, they take a lot of abuse from pissed off people.)
Melanie (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict. If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.
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Posts: 216
message #59
Re: Welcome! :)
October 16, 2015 at 9:15:16 AM (in response to Stitchboard Admin message #13)
it's the same here as well they work for next to nothing and they have to tolerate so much abuse it's wrong
remember that your perfect god makes no mistakes
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Stitchboard Admin
message #60
Re: Welcome! :)
October 17, 2015 at 4:56:29 AM (in response to neave message #14)
That's so sad...but definitely not surprising. I'm amazed that the majority of the employees at the local Walmart can be nice and cheerful after all of the crap they put up with. It's so unfair.
The money isn't very good and they have no choice.
Melanie (cat slave and Official Feline Can Opener) =^.^=
I'm a beading, knitting and crochet addict. If that means I'm admitting I have a problem, then I admit to nothing. Please refrain from helping me.
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