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New! Caron One Pound, Caron Simply Soft and Herrschners 2-Ply Afghan palettes - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

New!  The Herrschner's Worsted Palette - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

New!  We've just added the palette for Deborah Norville Everyday Yarn!  If you knit and/or crochet, this is for you.  This is a beautiful yarn with a nice feel to it, a good alternative in worsted weight acrylic!  (Thank you again to BetwixtTheStitch!)

New!  The Red Heart Super Saver Palette - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

Welcome to Stitchboard!  Feel free to sit and stay awhile.  Check out our new Premier features.  In addition to the ability to create larger patterns (up to 500 stitches wide), illusion knitting and private labeling (no more worries about editing those pesky and messy PDFs), we've just introduced Filet Crochet, our most popular request!  We have many more features planned, too!  Laughing
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Welcome! Smile
I'm sorry to say the freePatternWizard doesn't have a C2C function available at this time.
The "size" you're referring to isn't really a size. It's the number of stitches across. (You can't currently define the number of rows, only stitches.)
The best thing to do, if possible, is to have your original image set to 1:1, as in 1 pixel=1 stitch, and to do that, you'd also need to know your gauge, to calculate the number of stitches you'll need, so you can adjust your image accordingly.
The freePatternWizard isn't a graphics program, so if you give it a different value in this case, it will attempt to use whatever pixels are in the piece to stretch or narrow it to that size, where the results may not be optimal.

That's such outstanding work and I'm very sorry to hear your husband had a stroke. Cry Time and life are absolutely precious. Cry
You've done a beautiful job and wow, so fast! Kiss
If anyone should know how to frame cross stitch, I'd think Michaels would. They likely get a LOT of demand for things like that. And sorry the local framers went out of business. A professional framer is like gold!
Keep up the great work and thank you so much for the update! Kiss


Well, I'm all for you ultimately teaching them to crochet. Wink You know, like I'm teaching the cat. LOL.

No, but how about a flat fox scarf? Laughing

You'd probably have to work the body in the round, then the arms, legs, etc. So it wouldn't be fully one piece, but you wouldn't have to stitch up the main piece...LOL, probably not that much of a savings, huh? Sigh. Undecided

Oooh, Picasso...a nose where an arm should be, like that? Laughing


Wow, you sure are devoted!  Smile  (And I would do exactly the same!)

Calculating yarn yardage is difficult because there are so many choices.  LOL, not that choices are a bad thing, but it's hard to calculate when one person might be using a worsted weight yarn and another might be using a sport weight.  Yarns even differ from manufacturer to manufacturer; one worsted weight yarn from one manufacturer may be thicker and another manufacturer's worsted may be thinner.  In addition, everyone's gauge will likely be different, even with the same exact fiber, since some crochet loosely and some crochet tighter.

Trying a gauge swatch, if you haven't done one, may be the most helpful thing of all.  You can then get exact yardages for your stitches based on the fiber you're using and your own personal stitch gauge.  Smile

Meanwhile, I'll discuss the issue with Terry and see if there's some way he can think of that such a feature could be added.  It depends on whether or not there's a way to calculate for the different variations, so I don't know if it's at all possible.  If it is, we'll add it to the list of features.  Smile

the world is just wrong it should be an equal and fair world but it's not
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