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New! Caron One Pound, Caron Simply Soft and Herrschners 2-Ply Afghan palettes - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

New!  The Herrschner's Worsted Palette - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

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There are a lot of variables that can cause this.

It sounds like you chose "I will choose my colors" so it should only choose those colors.  I think Herrschners Worsted has 57 colors and is a bit limited.

Another thing that causes stray colors is if the original image is a .jpg.  It would be best to send it a very small .gif image with limited colors.

You may also want to try turning on Antialias in section 8.  Also adjusting brightness and contrast might help.

These are some ideas that come to mind.

In December I'll be working on a new version that includes the ability to fine-tune the pattern manually before printing it out.  I'm not sure yet whether this new version will be available yet then but I'm doing testing on it now.


Oh, yes, I'm familiar with the cleaning up the mess part! Except with a cat. Who knew that someone who weighs less than 20 pounds could make such big messes! Wink But she's my child and my love, so I'll deal with the messes. Kiss
I love that...2 active projects, 100 that can wait! Kiss
Awww, I love what your grandma said! Kiss The person who flipped over my work was FAR less than charitable and made a snide comment about all of the ends. Yell After that, I became terribly obsessed with making the back look as good as the front. It really killed a lot of the joy of stitching that way. Frown It's why I do more beadweaving (though to be fair, I like something I can wear instead of just putting it up on a wall) than cross stitching...that rude woman can't ruin the joy for me, since she knows nothing about beadweaving! (Not that she's in my life, thank goodness. But I still think of her when I pick up cross stitch.)
That's the thing, right...nobody will really see the back! To get so persnickety that it has to look good on the back...who cares? I've seen celebrated prolific cross stitchers on TV who have said the back of their work looks terrible! If it's good enough for them, why should anyone else be obligated to stick to making it perfect?

I got this book as a birthday present years ago and it is now on a prized shelf in my cross stitch library. I has a lot of floral patterns, borders, samplers, and articles, and the charts are clear and easy to read with symbols and sometimes colors, if needed. A notable section is the one that has a history of antique samplers and how cross stitch started, and they have turned three antique samplers into stitchable patterns. At the end, there are instrutions on stitching, fabric counts, finishing, and material. Most of the patterns use DMC and Anchor floss. This is a good basic book, pretty general in terms of designs, it has mostly traditional ones. But they are very nice. Smiley

Lol, that's fine! Thank you for the quick response to! I "THINK" I can figure this out ... at least I am going to give it a shot anyways, in the meantime I will continue to play around with this program and see what I can learn! This website is A God-send to just don't understand:). Thank you again and
Have a great day!!

haha melanie i see nicky's been on 
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