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New! Caron One Pound, Caron Simply Soft and Herrschners 2-Ply Afghan palettes - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

New!  The Herrschner's Worsted Palette - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

New!  We've just added the palette for Deborah Norville Everyday Yarn!  If you knit and/or crochet, this is for you.  This is a beautiful yarn with a nice feel to it, a good alternative in worsted weight acrylic!  (Thank you again to BetwixtTheStitch!)

New!  The Red Heart Super Saver Palette - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

Welcome to Stitchboard!  Feel free to sit and stay awhile.  Check out our new Premier features.  In addition to the ability to create larger patterns (up to 500 stitches wide), illusion knitting and private labeling (no more worries about editing those pesky and messy PDFs), we've just introduced Filet Crochet, our most popular request!  We have many more features planned, too!  Laughing
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The finished product doesn't look like the picture. I am trying to create a crochet afghan using herrschners worsted. I chose the colors I wanted to use, but the download has colors everywhere when they should form a bargello type pattern. Please help. Thanks Debbie

Thanks you! It is hard to the lumpiness from far away, thank goodness. You can only see it when you look really close. Yes, white on white is VERY hard, especially because I have lots of trouble with half-cross stitches because they are hard to count, so white on white ones are almost as impossible as trying to get my dog to stop stealing food! Wink And yes, I do get bored with projects, but currently I have five and I am not making much progress on any of them! I would like to have two at a time: one big one and one small one to work on when I get bored of the big one. Thank you for your kind words!

Hi Melanie,

Wanted to let you know this evening I have been deliriously enjoying creating patterns with the Pattern Wizard. Oh how easy it is to create, view & download to my Adobe Reader file for using and printing out later. Smile

Thank you sooo much for having this awesome jewel here for us to use!! I have been searching for a program that was super easy to use to make patterns from my photos and downloads. I bought the Bead Creartor Pro6 and still can't use it. I haven't found out why and that was what prompted me to search Google to find something easier to understand whcih brought up your site and forum and the Pattern Wizard.

I am not a computer whiz, but I do know how to use one pretty well considering my age and only being on the net for 7 yrs now. But that bought software program I mentioned earlier is a nightmare to get anywhere with for me at least. Sorry if I was not supposed to mention the name of it. I just wanted to mention your pattern generator is 100% easier to understand & work with. Laughing

I also went ahead and got the 500 stitch upgrade since many of the patterns I created I plan to turn into beaded tapestries. That way if I want a large one the extra stitches/beads will be perfect for that. I also created a pattern from the small pic I used for the vulture I beaded in peyote just for fun to see what the pattern would have looked like if I had used a program. Boy would it have been so much easier to choose colors & bead faster had I known about thsi place last fall!

Thanks again Melanie for the hard work you are doing to bring these goodies to us here. I love it!! Cool


Welcome!  Smile

In crochet, the word charts are only for single crochet or Tunisian.  We do have C2C in development at this time, though I can't give you a date of when it will be available.

I'm guessing you're using Fair Isle crochet, not Fair Isle knitting, is that correct?

Accepted convention has the first row as your right side, the second row as your wrong side.  Smile

Edit: P.S. It's actually the same for knitting.
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