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New! Caron One Pound, Caron Simply Soft and Herrschners 2-Ply Afghan palettes - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

New!  The Herrschner's Worsted Palette - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

New!  We've just added the palette for Deborah Norville Everyday Yarn!  If you knit and/or crochet, this is for you.  This is a beautiful yarn with a nice feel to it, a good alternative in worsted weight acrylic!  (Thank you again to BetwixtTheStitch!)

New!  The Red Heart Super Saver Palette - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

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Fantastic! I don't want to miss anything you post and I don't want anyone else to, either! Kiss

I use stitchboard quite often, but I don't use the pattern that is generated, I just use it to go by then I create a duplicate manually through spreadsheets so that I can put in numbers so that I don't have to count every single stitch.  This will take me hours to days to do depending on the dificulty of the pattern, some patterns I can create completely from just looking at a picture, but when too dificult I turn to stitchboard to somewhat simplify it for me.  I was wondering if there is a feature that adds the number of stitches per color? Here is an example of a pattern i started for my craft business name. Right now you see duplicate numbers  in one color because I'm in the image creating process, once I have the image all made up (manually) I go through and number all the stitches per color on every row of stitches.  It's a long process, but once I start on a project I don't have to waste time counting stitches over and over again.  Fortunately I don't have to type every number with spreadsheet you can drag through the cells and will number for you, but sometime I will turn to graph paper and hand write the pattern.  I do not print my patterns, because I am hard at seeing and I find using the computer also helps me keep track of what row and what stitches I have done already by highlighting the stitches already done.


I have a jpeg image I want to use on a  pair of handwarmers. So, the image would be on the back of the hand when completed. I'm not sure if the Pattern Wizard does that. The handwarmers would be knit. The image may be to large to shrink to the amount of sts, I'm just not sure if this is possilbe or if I'm explaining it very well. 

I tried the wizard but it just displayed a blank page.


I know what you mean about framing! It's soooooooooooo tedious. It's not creative, as you noticed, it's just...ugh. Dull. Not fun. And trying to get all of the stretching done right and the sides all straight, shudder. NO thanks.

I'd rather be counting blades of grass. Wink

I also framed mostly smaller things. But I'm loving your fringing idea and the "frame" stitched around it. Kiss And who can't get a small branch, twig, whatever? Best of all, they're free! (This appeals to my cheapness. Wink)

Wow, I'm so excited for you! Kiss That's great about the threads and loving the idea of that frame. Kiss What a find! Kiss

What gorgeous designs! Kiss I love southwestern anything. The colors and symbols are incredible, and you've done such a beautiful job designing! Kiss

I love peyote, but have also worked in square stitch (I've never loomed). Not sure I'd ever loom beyond learning (love to learn and am a technique junkie, so that part appeals!), only because I also love how secure square stitch is. When I've taught square stitch in the past, I'd always end the demonstration by cutting the work apart...and it still didn't fall apart! For some reason, people love that particular visual.

The star is stunning! Kiss And I love the name Walks In Spirit. Beautiful! Kiss

If you ever need any help in creating PDFs, I'd be happy to do that. Kiss

Thanks, I'd love the patterns! Kiss I can send you an email in the next few days (and if I don't, please hit me over the head a few times so I remember, LOL!). I would normally write immediately, but ugh, the next few days are beastly. As were the previous few, LOL.

Is that a teardrop bead in the center of Walks In Spirit? Whatever it is, it's so perfect...the color, how it glows...the whole piece is beautiful and the bead in the center makes it pop! Kiss


I just saw your message as it came up in the community highlights.  I know it is several months past since you posted it and I was wondering if you were able to get this coverted.  If not, I "might" be able to help.  At least I can try.  I found a way to edit photos like this that works most times, though not always & I don't have to use a photo editor like photo shop.  It's a bit time consuming but it works quite well.

If you are still interested in having this done, I can do this as a single crochet graphgan for you as I'm assuming that's what the sc stands for in your post.  

Just reply & I'll check for your message.

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